Hari bol new7892001ji,

I hope all is well for your family in every realm of life.  We have mantras
for any geography, culture or linguistic root.  You can choose one from
column A, or perhaps you will like two from column B. [?]  YaddaWaddAnanda or
YaddaWon WaddaBing to make you raise that kundalini thing. [?]

Me not know much either, though I can speak to you with veracity that
samadhi is close at hand.

Kidding aside, once experienced, you'll know that samadhi was always very
close by and always available, and despite the hysterionics of grandpompous
vanity surfing ubiquitous in the fashionably yogi tourist routs, samadhi
is as available now to you and me and everyone on this list as it is to
anyone who is or may be enlightened today or in the past.  Getting over the
conceits that make us believe we are not already enlightened or that
enlightenment is a lifestyle for others, not one's self, is a colossal step
toward arriving at enlightenment for they are all lies frothing from tamas
and are integral to the inner chatter born of pseudo-culture!

Human form, sincerity, implicit faith, and determination are your guarantors
for delivering yourself to enlightenment -- it's waiting for you, for us.
Along with these, I can assure you that no matter what guru you find, if you
do asanas regularly, pranayama like sharing the breath with a lover[god],
and the rest of sahaj yoga, samadhi will most certainly come quickly, and
along with it enlightenment.  After regular practice of asanas for some
time, months perhaps, find the best available chi kung / qi qong instructor,
do chi kung from the standing sinking pose [surrounded by cushions in case
you get samadhi while standing].

Truthful spiritual practices, asanas, then later chi kung: samadhi will be
yours in short order, then there will be nothing you don't know or can't do
[bodhi jinana / bodhi dharma], you and the Universe will be one, you, or the
'you' you will know then will be an instrument of the Universe, not
metaphorically, rather in reality and fully aware of it.  Every breath will
be as a kiss with the Universe no longer objectified, rather subjectified in
your mutual singularity, and whole galaxies will be born from your heart, in
balance and spun fully with dharma and satyam.

As a youngster I was a fan of Maharishi, Vedantic acharya, and recruited
hundreds of people to involve TM in their lives.  I've found a Tantrika guru
since then and speak from my experience through his instruction and
samkalpa.  Finding your real guru is not an extroversive experience ...
demand the guru's presence with you immediately and relinquish all
selfishness concurrently.  Your true guru and enlightenment most certainly
will be yours promptly.

Are you sincere?  Then it will happen.


*Tantra is an intuitional science, not a sect, and no cult to join*

 *Learn more here today*:

Tantra Psychology <http://tantrapsychology.learn.to/>
http://Learn.to/TantraPsychology/ <http://learn.to/TantraPsychology/>

*Mysticism is the never-ending endeavor to
explore the continuous link between the
individual and the Infinite -- between our own
heart and Infinite Love.  Tantra Psychology
opens the gateway to this sublimity.*

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Rick Archer <r...@searchsummit.com> wrote:

>   *From:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
> fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *new7892001
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 02, 2009 11:12 AM
> *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] which guru best?
> Hi, me know nothing and have no much money.
> Which guru best and can make me enlited
> very quick? how long takes?
> You know?
> dead ones, no good, right?
> thanks.
> Ps. any you here is enlited?
> how you did? very hard was or not?
> enlitment good for me? you think I should get?
> Where are you? India? If so, which part?



  • ... new7892001
    • ... Rick Archer
      • ... Alex Stanley
        • ... TurquoiseB
        • ... Rick Archer
          • ... nablusoss1008
          • ... Alex Stanley
      • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
    • ... shempmcgurk
    • ... BillyG.
    • ... Bhairitu
    • ... Robert

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