--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > raunchydog:
> > > > 
> > > > You've now called me (1) a wingnut; and (2) a bigot.
> > > > 
> > > > Whether or not I am those things, I am not inclined to debate 
> > > > with you over these issues when you stoop to name-calling.  I 
> > > > suspect that you do that in order to get OUT of debates because 
> > > > at your core you really don't believe your arguments hold 
> > > > weight.
> > > 
> > > And FAR more sexist and bigoted than you are.
> > > 
> > > And that's saying something. :-)
> > > 
> > > I agree with everyone who's said that the only
> > > reason you posted what you did was to stir up
> > > trouble and push buttons and then sit back and
> > > feed on the discord. And that's as stupid as
> > > it is childish.
> > > 
> > > But Raunchy is spouting feminist bullshit about
> > > polyamory without knowing ANY of the actual facts
> > > about it. She's got this image in her mind of
> > > Mormon guys with lots of submissive wives. That's
> > > as far from an accurate picture of what polyamory
> > > is as Maplethorpe's photos are from what most gay
> > > men are. 
> > > 
> > > If you're going to be sexual bigots, AT LEAST 
> > > try to learn a little something about the real
> > > nature of the things you're bigoted about...
> > 
> > I haven't said anything about polyamory. That's your little 
> > piece of bait you've thrown into the mix with the same intent 
> > to obfuscate and derail a discussion of gay marriage as Shemp. 
> Standard Raunchy. "You attempt to *expand* the
> discussion and take it away from the narrow,
> angry focus *I* wanted it to take. Therefore
> you have 'attacked' me and attempted a diversion."
> I merely wanted to steer a conversation away from
> the ugly finger-pointing and blame *you* wanted 
> it to remain on and onto a more lofty plane, in
> which wider and less agenda-driven discussions
> might take place.

I get it. Barry doesn't like an agenda-driven discussion talking about gay 
marriage. He prefers a less agenda-driven discussion about polyamory, which is 
not on anyone's agenda but his.
> > The point I've made still stands. Whether you argue for 
> > polygamy, polyamory, or box turtles they are separate issues 
> > having distinct differences from gay marriage. 

Barry doesn't care about a discussion about gay marriage. He cares about a 
discussion about polyamory that doesn't seem to interest anyone and now he's 
petulantly stamping his foot that NOBODY CARES about his agenda. 

> It's such a non-issue to me that the very idea 
> that anyone could find it threatening bores me to
> tears. I was trying to introduce something that
> *doesn't* bore me to tears. You want everyone to
> stay focused on the gay marriage non-issue so that
> you can pretend to be more liberal than they are.

Poor Barry is bored to tears about gay marriage. Geez, would it kill him to 
allow a topic germane to a discussion affecting people who live in the USA and 
not his adopted Spain, which was egalitarian enough to legalize gay marriage?

> All while spouting crap about men being more 
> sexually "voracious" than women. That's something
> that anyone who had ever studied a bit of scien-
> tific sexuality should know is crap. Probably you
> *DO* know it's crap, but it advances your victim-
> mentality agenda to pretend it's not, so pretend
> you do.

I have not personally expressed an opinion about the comparative sexual 
appetites of men and women. 

> > Sorry, polyamory isn't going to ride to the coat tails of 
> > gay marriage any time soon. You don't have the numbers or 
> > a ground swell of public interest that would elevate it 
> > to the level of a civil rights cause as has gay rights 
> > and gay marriage.
> You people are SUCH sexual barbarians. Gay marriage
> is not a "civil rights" issue any more than straight
> marriage is. It's a NON-ISSUE. The *problem* (as I
> see it) is that you live in a completely unbalanced
> nation with unbalanced views of sexuality that lead
> them to believe that sex ITSELF is an issue.

Gay rights/civil rights would be a non-issue, if it were legal in the US, but 
since it is not, it is a fair topic for discussion whether Barry likes it or 

> IMO, the healthiest cultures on the planet are those
> in which sex is seen as being of such little impor-
> tance that its various expressions are never even
> *perceived* as an issue. That would include ancient 
> Tibetan society and many Polynesian cultures. Some 
> of these cultures were patriarchal, some matriarchal, 
> but the thing they had in common was a belief that 
> sex was NO BIG DEAL. It wasn't *important* enough 
> to develop laws and rules about.
> It's only in the puritanical, uptight. religiously- and 
> culturally-repressed countries of the world in which
> sex and sexuality are viewed as being important enough
> to be thought of as "issues," or to make binding laws
> about. 
> Keep arguing about gay marriage if you want, Raunchy.
> You may do so believing that you are "liberal" on the
> issue. All I see is another form of agenda-laden
> repressed behavior, on both sides.

Barry thinks I should stop talking about agenda-laden gay marriage and talk 
about agenda-laden polyamory instead. 

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