The White House Press Corp has been corrupt for years. They jockeyed for access 
to power on the cocktail weenie circuit for so long they forgot that the 4th 
Estate serves the people not the government. Recent history reminds us how 
dangerous it is for our country to have a weak-kneed press. EVERY network 
kissed Bush's ass in the run up to the Iraq War. FOX was the worst of the 
bunch. NO ONE said, "Hey, wait a minute. What the hell does Iraq have to do 
with 911?" So there you have it folks, the press rolled over for the government 
and our country shamefully bloodied its hands. 

FOX is a Republican propaganda station and MSNBC is a propaganda station for 
Obama. At least they put up a front of "fair and balanced."  ABC doesn't have 
to pretend a front any longer. We all knew Obama and ABC were playing footsie 
under the table anyway. So now that their illicit affair is out in the open and 
we're already used to them as a couple, they can sleep together in the White 
House and no one will care. When the government tells the "press" to jump and 
they ask how high, rather than why, who will speak for you? Who will inform 
you? No one. 

I am not interested in Republican ideas but I do believe they deserve a seat at 
the table. Who knows?  They might even provide some balance to the discussion. 
If ABC prevents a balanced discussion at the behest of Obama, what does that 
say about his commitment to changing politics as usual or the way Washington 
works? I don't see much changing except a more toothless press than ever before 
and it doesn't bode well for a free nation. 

The Fourth Estate:

--- In, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > Holy crap! June 24th ABC will broadcast from inside the White House. ABC is 
> > now the official network of the government. What the hell ever happened to 
> > the 4th estate, the people's watchdog responsible for reporting government 
> > excess. Independent journalism is dead. 
> Gawd, they never stop whining:
> After ABC News announced nearly wall-to-wall coverage from the White House to 
> be broadcast next Wednesday, including a health care forum in the East Room 
> featuring President Obama answering questions from a hand-picked audience, 
> the Republican National Committee cried foul.
> Kerry Smith, senior vice president of ABC News, sent a letter in response, 
> dated today. It reads in part:
> "ABC News prides itself on covering all sides of 
> important issues and asking direct questions of all 
> newsmakers — of all political persuasions — even 
> when others have taken a more partisan approach and 
> even in the face of criticism from extremes on both 
> ends of the political spectrum. ABC News is looking 
> for the most thoughtful and diverse voices on this 
> issue. 
> == ABC News alone will select those who will be in the 
> audience asking questions of the president. ==
> Like any programs we broadcast, ABC News will have 
> complete editorial control. To suggest otherwise is 
> quite unfair to both our journalists and our audience."
>  [thecaucus_blogs_nytimes_com] 
> In reaction to the idea of having regular people directly question the 
> President about an issue that affects all Americans, the RNC has sent a 
> letter to ABC News executives, complaining about them becoming an "adjunct of 
> the Obama administration." I think the RNC should have skipped the letter and 
> taken their complaint to Fox News.
>  [www_dailykos_com] 
> >
> > You're on your own folks if you want to know anything other than what Big 
> > Brother wants you to know. Transparency in government? Not so much. 
> > Orwellian times are upon us.
> > 
> >
> >
> >

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