I reluctantly posted a link to Nico Pitney live blogging Iran at Huffington 
Post and now I have yet another reason to regret it, since reading this evening 
that Obama used Pitney to plant a question for his Iran news conference today.  
It just affirms my opinion that the folks at Huffpo are just a bunch of 
duplicitous ass kissers just like the folks at ABC that I ranted about the 
other day.  They all have zero integrity when it comes to reporting anything 
objective about Obama. Huffpo's Pitney is just another example of the demise of 
journalism.  I didn't like planted questions when Bush did it and I don't like 
is now.

When government controls the message and the press in nothing more than a tool 
for propaganda, it is the antithesis of freedom.  In message #222130 dorx 
wrote, "Authoritarian control of information is the antithesis of freedomÂ…" 
When it comes to discussing a relatively small matter like MUM's censorship, 
dorx is all about it, but if Obama controls of the media, it doesn't matter. 
There's no hypocrisy there, right? 

In Message #222115 I wrote "FOX is a Republican propaganda station and MSNBC is 
a propaganda station for Obama. At least they put up a front of "fair and 
balanced." ABC doesn't have to pretend a front any longer. We all knew Obama 
and ABC were playing footsie under the table anyway. So now that their illicit 
affair is out in the open and we're already used to them as a couple, they can 
sleep together in the White House and no one will care."

I must have been prescient because at the TV and Radio Correspondents' Dinner 
on Saturday Obama joked, "I have to admit, though, it wasn't easy coming up 
with fresh material for this dinner. A few nights ago, I was up tossing and 
turning, trying to figure out exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn't get 
back to sleep, I rolled over and asked [ABC anchor] Brian Williams what he 

Williams got some criticism for "bowing" to Obama after an exclusive interview 
with Obama, and Obama sees fit to humiliate him in public? Arrogant much, Mr. 

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