*palms touch at heart*

*head bowing*

Daisy Award for you


Thank you

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> "November 15, 1969, there was a massive Moratorium march on Washington, D.C. 
> which attracted over 500,000 demonstrators against the war, including many 
> performers and activists on stage at a rally across from the White House.
> A quarter of a million activists at the Moratorium were singing "Give Peace A 
> Chance", a song written by John Lennon. This was significant, instead of 
> singing the traditional, "We Shall Overcome", it was "Give Peace A Chance" 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_Moratorium
> I was there. The song's history is rooted in activism, not just, "wishing and 
> hoping and thinking and praying." That's just a torch song. Not that there is 
> anything wrong that. But Lennon's song inspired folks to get off their butts 
> and DEMAND peace, to participate as responsible citizens petitioning their 
> government to end the Vietnam War and it worked. Some things are just worth 
> fighting for.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-NRriHlLUk
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "l_b_shriver" <l_b_shriver@> wrote:
> >
> > Forwarded to me by a friend this morning.
> > 
> > L B S
> > *****
> > 
> > A friend confided in me that he was struggling to understand his
> > responsibility in a world obsessed with war.  I told him the 
> > answer is simple: choose peace.
> > 
> > While you cannot control the attitudes or actions of politicians or 
> > others, you have total control over the thoughts, feelings, and 
> > energy you are exuding.  If you are steeped in fear, anger, a 
> > sense of victimization, or separateness, you are contributing to 
> > the darkness. If you hold a sense of peace, wholeness, 
> > compassion, kindness, and the presence of love, you 
> > are contributing to healing.
> > 
> > As Kipling nobly penned, "If you can hold your head when all 
> > about you are losing theirs.'
> > 
> > Mother Teresa was once asked to speak at an anti-war rally and 
> > she refused. "If it were a pro-peace rally, I would attend," she 
> > explained.  "But fighting against war, like fighting against 
> > anything, is just another form of war."
> > 
> > Ram Dass recounted that on his altar he has pictures of Christ, 
> > Buddha, and many other spiritual masters.  He has recently 
> > added a photo of George W. Bush.  Why??!
> > 
> > As Ram Dass explains, "Until I can find the same divinity in 
> > George W. Bush as I find in other holy beings, I am stuck.  When 
> > I can see and honor his soul, then I am in a position to protest. 
> > Until then, I am ineffective."
> > 
> > The power of prayer and intention goes a long, long way.  At any 
> > given moment the world situation is a precise expression of the 
> > consciousness of all the people who live here. As you shift your 
> > consciousness in the direction of peace, wholeness, and faith, 
> > you tip the balance in that direction. You literally become the 
> > tipping point for the world you would like to create.
> > 
> > Be less concerned with what you are doing and more concerned 
> > with how you are doing it. Actions that spring from fear or hatred, 
> > no matter how nobly clothed, create only more of the same.
> > 
> > Actions that issue from faith and love, no matter how humbly 
> > clothed, create only more of the same.
> > 
> > A visionary thrives under all circumstances, for he or she sees 
> > beyond the obvious.  At this time the world needs good 
> > visionaries.
> > 
> > If you would save the world, begin with your own consciousness.
> > 
> > --Alan Cohen
> >    http://www.alancohen.com/>
> >

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