--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote: > > More chickens: > > Barry: To hunt extinct PUMAS. He claims he found enclave > of the feisty beasts photoshopping at the mall but no one > believes him.
Isn't it fascinating to see how the same two women who go batshit when someone posts a derogatory parody or Photoshopped photo of Saint Hillary react when shown some of the photos created by their ilk demonizing Obama? One (above) pretends that the photos didn't exist. The other suggests that the photos are OK because they aren't current. (Several are, actually, as anyone who knew how to read the artist's date and signature embedded in the photos would know). Either way, it's just *fine* in their view to create such Photoshopped photos suggesting that Obama is a pig, or that the *female* editors of Ms. are pigs, but it's a travesty when the same thing is done to Saint Hillary. And they dare speak the word "hypocrisy." Makes me wonder who is going to play Raunchydog and Judy in this upcoming film: [http://feministing.com/imageStorage/birthcolor.gif] http://feministing.com/imageStorage/birthcolor.gif <http://feministing.com/imageStorage/birthcolor.gif> Based on the quotes by her in one of my other posts today, I'm going to go with Megan Fox to play Raunchydog. She has the intellect to pull it off. As for Judy, I'm thinking Kathy Bates. Yeah, I know she doesn't quite "fit in" with the other actresses in terms of looks, but she has already played the part -- and nailed it -- in Stephen King's "Misery," so I think she's a shoe-in. [http://z.hubpages.com/u/365315_f520.jpg] Annie Wilkes <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000870/> : [Right after smashing Paul's ankles with a sledgehammer] God I love you. [>:)]