TurquoiseB wrote:
> Isn't it fascinating to see how the same two women
> who go batshit...
So, Turq, it's all about the women on the forum.

> when someone posts a derogatory
> parody or Photoshopped photo of Saint Hillary react
> when shown some of the photos created by their
> ilk demonizing Obama?
> One (above) pretends that the photos didn't exist.
> The other suggests that the photos are OK because
> they aren't current. (Several are, actually, as anyone
> who knew how to read the artist's date and signature
> embedded in the photos would know). Either way, it's
> just *fine* in their view to create such Photoshopped
> photos suggesting that Obama is a pig, or that the
> *female* editors of Ms. are pigs, but it's a travesty
> when the same thing is done to Saint Hillary.
> And they dare speak the word "hypocrisy."
> Makes me wonder who is going to play Raunchydog
> and Judy in this upcoming film:
>   [http://feministing.com/imageStorage/birthcolor.gif]
> http://feministing.com/imageStorage/birthcolor.gif
> <http://feministing.com/imageStorage/birthcolor.gif>
> Based on the quotes by her in one of my other posts today,
> I'm going to go with Megan Fox to play Raunchydog. She
> has the intellect to pull it off.
> As for Judy, I'm thinking Kathy Bates. Yeah, I know she
> doesn't quite "fit in" with the other actresses in terms of
> looks, but she has already played the part -- and nailed
> it -- in Stephen King's "Misery," so I think she's a shoe-in.
>   [http://z.hubpages.com/u/365315_f520.jpg]
> Annie Wilkes <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000870/> : [Right after
> smashing Paul's ankles with a sledgehammer] God I love you.
>   [>:)]

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