Vaj wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
>> Geeze Barry, get upset why don'tcha.
>> A corporation is a corporation is a corporation.  If the lips are 
>> moving, lies are being told.  Whence this blemish of surprise, 
>> Barroomna?
>> Beloved, worshiped Steve Jobs -- how much money did he save by lying 
>> to the public about his disease?  And how'd he get a liver so quickly 
>> -- hmmmm, maybe a pretty pricey that one, eh?
> He invented the iLiver. I'm getting one as soon as it's released. It's 
> much easier to use than a normal liver, although much more expensive. 
> And it has playlists for all the popular mixed drinks and beers.  :-)
And then there's the iRan,  Apple's forthcoming running treadmill.

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