--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jun 28, 2009, at 10:40 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
> >> Unfortunately Ms. Dog history is important. So as long as the TM Org
> >> and TM fanatics keep churning out false histories on Mr. Varma, there
> >> will remain a need for those who are interested in providing the
> >> details of what actually happened, vs. the fictional character they
> >> keep trying to push.
> >>
> >> And besides the cartoon Maharishi, there's also the fact we still  
> >> know
> >> relatively little on M's early years. So before more history is
> >> whitewashed or airbrushed over, it's important that the facts and the
> >> relative truth of his life is known and made available. Lists like
> >> these are a perfect place to hash out such details, since there are
> >> many old followers that hang out here.
> >>
> >
> >
> > Who cares, Vaj?
> Apparently quite a few people, if this list and others are any  
> testament. I suspect the people it would mean the most (or perhaps  
> least) to are people who lost a loved one because of it, either  
> through bad health advice, suicide, a life wasted in a cult,  
> dissociative disorders, etc., etc.

...and virtually none of the things you've listed have ANYTHING to do with the 
simply mental technique of TM.

Those other things involve people who were and are predisposed to cult 
behaviors.  They obviously didn't follow the instructions given to them in the 
first five minutes of the firsts step of the seven step program, which was: 
it's not a religion or a philosophy or a change in lifestyle.

Yes, for those that wanted a shortcut (I suspect you were one of them, Vaj?) 
they got into all the other nonsense.  But blame the TMO for that, Vaj, not TM.

That Maharishi was mistaken to get into the Ayurvedic peanut butter business 
should not sully the TM technique.

> >
> > It's a simply meditation technique done 20 minutes twice a day.  It  
> > helps many people; for those it doesn't, they can quit doing it.
> Unfortunately, it's NOT just that. It's Ayurvedic drug companies,  
> building services, ritual sales services, penetration into our school  
> systems, cult universities with spyware and firewalls and censorship  
> and brahmins behind barbed wire, money-laundering and tax-shelters, etc.

On all the other stuff, you may have a point.

But all that other crap has or shouldn't have anything to do with TM.  

Why do you insist upon joining them all together?  YOu're as bad as the TMO...

> >
> > The fact that MMY was or wasn't honest about his past or whatever  
> > is, at the end of the day, of very minor consequence.
> >
> > That is especially true now since the Movement pretty much failed 30  
> > years ago.  It is only the TMO today and its old guard minions that  
> > comprise its Executive that claim all the things that irk you; the  
> > rest of the world doesn't care or just laughs.  The TMO long ago  
> > lost its credibility (sadly).
> >
> > If your never-ending urge to always criticize MMY and the TMO (and  
> > do it in a very nasty way, it should be pointed out) is from an  
> > altruistic desire to ensure that the same mistakes are not ever made  
> > again so that a great technique gets perpetuated to more people,  
> > that would be one thing; but I suspect that's not where you're  
> > coming from.
> I'd beg to differ: it's really just a typical intro. mantra yoga--most  
> often given for free or small donation--the "specialness" and  
> "uniqueness" is just more dishonesty.

This is a discussion I had with Barry Wright years ago, who said the same thing 
as you do above.

So I asked him: okay, Barry, aside from all those teachers (like Deepak and 
SSRS) who were once students of Maharishi's or who got it from Maharishi, can 
you please name just ONE teacher who advocated easy, non-forced "think the 
mantra as you would any other thought" meditation?  And he was not able to 
(actually, he named two but I called his bluff and actually telephoned them and 
found out it wasn't true and that Barry had been totally bullshitting us).

I say that the easiness of TM is most definitely special and unique.  And I 
would ask you the same thing: name me one teacher or teaching (aside from those 
that got it from MMY) who advocated the same thing.  Someone that PRECEEDED 
Maharishi it would therefore have to be.

I await your response.

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