--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jun 28, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Robert wrote:
> >>> ...and virtually none of the things you've listed have ANYTHING to
> >>> do with the simply mental technique of TM.
> >>
> >> TM is to the TM Org what the Catholic Mass is to Roman Catholicism.
> >> It's the keystone of the whole business, it's the basis of TM-style
> >> "unstressing redemption" and the glue that holds it all together.
> >>
> >> When it was clear TM didn't work, they introduced other items to sell
> >> that 'you just had to have' for your evolution. TM can no longer even
> >> be taught in a regular building. Heaven forbid it has a south-facing
> >> door!
> >>
> >> Really, if a person insists on wanting to learn commercial Hindu
> >> mantra meditation, they'd be better off getting if from Sri Sri Ravi
> >> Shankar.
> >>
> > Funny, you would mention Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, as the authority...
> I did not say he was an authority. It's important to learn how to sit  
> and to start pranayama before mantra diksha and it's my understanding  
> that SSRS has restored that aspect of meditation diksha. Of course I  
> could have misunderstood what I'd heard, as I am not a student of his.  
> And lastly, his org seems healthier to me, something difficult to  
> achieve with any large spiritual group.
> There is also a rumor that he has restored the "Om" in front of the  
> mantra. Very important not to be giving out imbalanced mantras! :-)
> SSRS had removed all mention of Mahesh from his website last time I  
> checked.
> > He is a first hand disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi...according to  
> > him...
> > So, if you believe Ravi, then your proposition here, makes little  
> > sense...
> See the above--he's at least trying to do it right.
> You also seemed to have missed all the reasons the TMO and TM are like  
> Roman Catholicism. Try again. I know you can do better Robert!
I try to do the best I can, Vaj...
All I know, is that The Roman Catholic Church has something called a mass, 
which they take some wine, and some wafers, and exclaim:
'This is the blood of Christ, drink it'....
'This is the body of Christ, eat it'...
Now, go home, and sin no more...

We have like a Billion Roman Catholics in the world...
This has been going on for like hundreds of years...
The Roman Catholics have been at the center of this western view, 
And was the primary religion of Nazi Germany...
And the Bush Regime...

Now, just imagine, if Maharishi's teaching, of the simple technique of TM, were 
practiced by a Billion people, throughout the world...
Just imagine if TM, had been taught, to the millions of people, throughout the 
history of a world, that has been in the darkness of ignorance....

I don't have any way to 'Prove it'...
But, my feeling is, that Maharishi's technique is a bonafied proven way to 
transcend thought, to transcend the limited thinking the Roman Catholic Church, 
or for that matter, Buddhism...
The world would be much more enlightened, much more in tune with the forces of 

You must be a fool, if you cannot recognize how superficial our culture is, and 
how superficial the whole Roman materialistic experience has been, up until 

If you cannot see that, that I am wasting my time, with you...
Because there will be nothing to convince you, that what Maharishi was teaching 
is the direct opposite, to what is taught in either the materialistic church or 
the church of the Buddha.

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