> Considering who and what Guru Dev is/was, 
 > it seems perfectly reasonable to me that he 
 > indeed DID have the spiritual status to manifest 
 > wealth for his purposes without relying on conventional 
 > outside sources.

If Guru Dev had money appearing out of the infinite, there would have been tons 
of reports from his followers who would tell how cash appeared at some time or 
place....and following these accounts, one could surmise easily that Guru Dev 
was indeed pulling buckzoids out of the thinnest air.  

I haven't heard one single report like this.  No one's on record saying that 
Guru Dev handed over some cash or gold or had someone (poor) do it for him.  I 
mean, come on, the ashram would be abuzz with gossip about how cash had arrived 
to some project or other.

If there's smoke there's fire, where's the smoke (history of anecdotes about 
money appearing?)

And, if it's infinity bux, why didn't Guru Dev really cough up a shipload and 
get all the pundits bought and paid and chanting?  If Guru Dev had actually had 
such a siddhi, why didn't Maharishi learn it from Guru Dev?  

We all know Maharishi thought that if there was enough money, then we'd change 
the world overnight with paid pundits, and that's just Maharishi's cover story; 
we know that he wanted a fabulous kingdom too with all the trappings, so where 
was the money-siddhi and why didn't Maharishi (who was 24/7 with Guru Dev) pick 
up on such a siddhi and bother Guru Dev until he got instructed? 

Oh, it's all glorious bullshit, my friends, and that starts with B and rhymes 
with Money.

Fuck stories about siddhis from those who cannot produce any evidence.  Buying 
into a story like that is like buying a lottery ticket -- it might be a winner, 
and the story might be true, so let's just hang with that mood of expectation 
of wonders to come -- rather than face real life.

Did anyone here ever even once see Maharishi "take a check" or "grab a wad of 
cash from a TB?"  This sort of thing is tawdry, so it was all down out of sight 
with Bobby Warren touching the filthy lucre.  

Given the era when Guru Dev lived, what with not much TV or suchlike, the world 
was filled with quite innocent rubes, and it was easy to create a story about 
oneself for marketing purposes.  Not that Guru Dev was anything like the shuck 
and jiver, Maharishi, but that those who surround Guru Dev-types are sure to 
support all manner of image enhancing half truths, speculations, lies, etc.

Believe in siddhi at your own peril -- if they get you believing something, 
they can shunt that into check writing.


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