Nab wrote:
> Haha, Edg never heard one single report, so it must be lies !
> Did it not occur to you that the reason you never heard this before is that 
> you are a lazy and uninterested individual ?

In all my 29 years in the movement, I never not once passed up hearing or 
reading about Guru Dev -- I loved the whole metaphor that his life was to me 
....test me, ask me anything about Guru Dev you think a true believe should at 
least have heard about, I'll know it.  So fuck you asshole -- you don't know a 
single thing about Guru Dev that I haven't had run through my brain a thousand 

Here's the deal:

You can't make money appear out of nowhere and have nothing in the historical 
record reacting to that miracle.  People are miracle-fixated -- show them even 
a magician's stage trick, and they're hoping it's for real.  There's no way 
that Guru Dev had a magical source without it attracting a flood of attention 
from every ilk.  More likely it was devotees who knew that Guru Dev had a 
personal intent never to beg, so they just did that for him and put the money 
on the altar or wherever....and presto, another miracle!  

Not to mention that if Guru Dev was able to do this then he would have been 
kidnapped almost immediately and tortured until he gave up the secret -- by 
whom? -- take your pick -- anyone in power in Guru Dev's vicinity would have 
sniffed it out just to be sure that they weren't missing something -- like, 
well, money laundering?  ???  

Tell us the stories you've heard, Nab, -- especially any from Maharishi you 
heard with your own ears -- that assert Guru Dev had this power.  I doubt 
you'll be able to come back with such that could be in the least 

In fact, let's go easy on ya and ask merely that you tell us of ANY miracle of 
Guru Dev or Maharishi that can be in the least documented -- hell, I'll even 
just take the stories of TBs throughout the movement's history.  In fact, I'll 
tell you one of the miracle stories I was told by someone who supposedly was 
the target of the miracle: a teacher in the movement had gotten a crystal 
necklace from Maharishi to "wear for a little while," but she kept avoiding 
returning it, then one day, after Maharishi mentioned it to her, it simply 
disappeared -- so she told me.  Come on, Nab, given your certainties, why, you 
must have a thousand stories like that, but if you do, I predict none of them 
will be researchable.

I was there, man I was so there, for the least gossip about miracles.  I loved 
the story of Guru Dev putting his sickness into a cloth and telling a visitor 
that it was a kitten playing under it rather than that the cloth, somehow a 
conscious entity-of-the-nonce, was able to be sick and shivering or that a 
human being could temporarily remove sickness when it was inconvenient.  But, 
who tells these stories and attests that they're true -- where's the beef? 
Where's the witness' name and phone number?  It's all bogus horseshit 
promulgated by TBs who are in denial about their fucking exaggerations.

In fact, I'll go even easier, show us any miracle ever by anyone ever that you 
think can be substantiated with a high degree of certainty, and watch how 
easily anyone here can pick it apart for its obviously lack of logic or 

Turq tells us he saw levitation many times.

Now think about that.  It has to be a fucking lie.

Fucking levitation!  Yeah, riiiiight.

Yet even with many iterations of such levitation, Turq dumped his miracle 
worker.  So, you tell me, would you walk away from a genuine siddha?  Yet, here 
we see Turq poo-poohing it like it was nothing, yet anyone in the entire world 
would easily recognize that the laws of physics were being bent to one's will 
in a way that the best minds in history could not explain in the least.  Yet, 
Turq would have us believe that Rama was never grabbed by the powers that be to 
see if they could get his secret of "gravity control" from him.  In other 
words, Rama was a trickster, and the CIA or whatever couldn't be bothered to 
waterboard him any more than they would Criss Angel. 

Real miracles require extraordinary proof -- or, hey, if not, then I get to say 
anything I want and you can't ask me for proof, right?  --  and, hey, I get to 
brow beat you if you don't accept my assertion, right?

You're brow beating me, and you've got exactly zilch in the proof department, 
yet, you will not allow anyone else this right.

In other words, Nab, you are a world class hypocrite true believer who'll do 
anything to shore up your religion rather than face reality.

Sad to be you.


--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> >  > Considering who and what Guru Dev is/was, 
> >  > it seems perfectly reasonable to me that he 
> >  > indeed DID have the spiritual status to manifest 
> >  > wealth for his purposes without relying on conventional 
> >  > outside sources.
> > 
> > If Guru Dev had money appearing out of the infinite, there would have been 
> > tons of reports from his followers who would tell how cash appeared at some 
> > time or place....and following these accounts, one could surmise easily 
> > that Guru Dev was indeed pulling buckzoids out of the thinnest air.  
> > 
> > I haven't heard one single report like this. 
> Haha, Edg never heard one single report, so it must be lies !
> Did it not occur to you that the reason you never heard this before is that 
> you are a lazy and uninterested individual ?

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