--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > "If an attention vampire whines in the forest for
> > more attention and no one hears him, did he ever
> > really make a sound?"
> You're posting a lot more than me, so what's your logic that proves I'm an 
> attention vampire but that you're not?  You're the more needy if we use the 
> number of posts as a metric.
> But, hey, I fully admit that I love attention.
> Why?
> Cuz attention in any form is love.  Love can only be attention.  And that's 
> the one concept that toggles my compassion for the trolls here -- they don't 
> know how to have value to others so they shot spitwads just to get someone's 
> head to turn for a mere moment towards them.  I understand that, cuz, love is 
> love is love no matter how it's gained.
> We all know that indifference is THE MOST POWERFUL OF WEAPONS.
> The biggest lessons along these lines are the stories of Krishna annihilating 
> those various demons.  Each demon was totally and completely freed of all 
> karma -- never to incarnate again -- sinless -- all because the deomon got 
> God to pay attention (that is "end God's indifference) to him for an angry 
> nanosecond and take on his karma.  
> That's your game, ya see, Turq?  Ya want to find someone who can crisp you 
> forever and be done with it.
> I feels for ya.  Hard to find someone who can shut you up forever.  God knows 
> I've tried be that poster, but I've failed God once again.  I don't know why, 
> but for some reason He still hasn't created a poster here who can clock you a 
> good one.  We all await God's plan to unfold in eager anticipation, but until 
> that day, hey, take the vow, take the vow. I'd vote for ya!  For you to take 
> the vow, wow, would that be a surprise. 
> Come on, vow wow us.
> Edg

Me thinks 
wants a warm hug
Not a crisping

Warm and soft
he would feel

instead of
and crunchy

I see you Turquoise!

Don't mind those other guys 
they just need more fat on their brains-

Jarlsberg, anyone?

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