Gee whiz, is Barry already drunk this early in
the day?

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Also, could one of you feminists contact Ms.
> McEwan and teach her how to flip someone off?
> That's such a simple skill that not having
> learned it might be perceived by the public
> as reflecting badly on the angry, anti-Obama
> polemic on her blog site "Moonbattery"
> (example below, a rare one in which she
> actually uses Obama's name...usually she makes
> up names for him.) A quick scan of the site
> reveals hardly a single blogpost that doesn't
> denigrate Obama.

Melissa McEwan's blog is the award-winning
group blog called Shakesville. She's an Obama
fan, with the standard lefty reservations. In
her posts you'll find both praise and criticism
of Obama. She always refers to him as "Obama."

Moonbattery is the blog of a right-winger by
the name of Van Helsing. The post Barry goes on
to quote as McEwan's is actually by Van Helsing,
a thoroughgoing Obama hater.

Barry Googled McEwan and found on Moonbattery
the photo he reproduces here. It illustrates a
post by Van Helsing excoriating McEwan for
objecting to McCain's announcement of his choice
of Sarah Palin too soon after Obama's official
victory in the primaries.

And somehow Barry figured that since there was a
photo of McEwan on the blog, it must be McEwan's
blog--even though the post with the photo is as
clear as can be that the blogger is *quoting*
McEwan from her blog, Shakesville, and that he's
extremely unhappy with what he's quoting.

Also, regarding that photo, Barry writes:

> Correcting Raunchy's oversight in not providing
> a photo of the feminist being quoted as data for
> our ongoing study on whether or not the feminists
> in question are "homely" or not, I rectify the
> situation:

First, this is actually *Barry's* ongoing study.
Raunchy has no interest in whether feminists are
or are not homely.

Second, Barry seems to have forgotten that the
claim he is so hot to prove was made about
feminist *scholars*, those who work in academia,
not feminists in general. McEwan isn't an

Third, in Googling for a photo of McEwan, he
deliberately picked the most unflattering one
he could find. Here's her Facebook page:

Whatever one thinks of McEwan's appearance,
unlike Barry, she's in a long-term relationship.
Her partner is a Scotsman (she writes occasional
hilarious posts about her conversations with him
in which she reproduces his burr).

McEwan writes about feminism and politics for a
living, including columns for The Guardian. She's
a *much* better and vastly more thoughtful (as
well as funnier) writer than Barry, in terms both
of style and of content.

Other than the fact that she's a <spit> feminist,
and that Barry finds no criticism whatsoever of
Obama--especially from a <spit> woman--acceptable,
McEwan ironically has a great deal in common with
Barry politically (although she's vastly better
informed, and, as noted, more thoughtful and

Finally, Barry would probably be surprised to 
learn that McEwan didn't support Hillary in the
primaries. She didn't support Obama, either. Her
candidate was John Edwards (and thereby hangs 
quite a tale, which I won't go into here; if you're
interested, Google McEwan AND Edwards). She 
*strongly* supported Obama in the general election.

Bottom line, the post I'm commenting on is one of
Barry's most spectacular mess-ups to date. As we've
seen many times before, his rage and anxiety to find
a way to diss Raunchy, me, and feminists (and TMers)
in general (quite possibly with an assist from
alcohol) disastrously impairs his reading

But he won't acknowledge the blunders in the post I'm
responding to, of course. If he comments at all on what
I've pointed out, he'll pick out something minor and
make a smartass crack in hopes of distracting attention
from how badly he came a-cropper.

What a guy, huh?

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