--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:


> The legitimacy of scientific research isn't a matter of popular opinion, 
> Shremp.


> Vast majorities used to believe that the sun and the stars revolved around 
> the earth - or that the earth was flat.

Yes, just as many politically correct scientists who want to continue to 
receive their government grants still claim that there is man-made catastrophic 
global warming...when there isn't.

Thank you for providing the best argument for MY side.

> The scientific method isn't governed by, nor does it depend on, public 
> debate. It works within it's own long established and well tested and 
> accepted parameters.

Yes, and these parameters are NOT being met by Al Gore et al.

Virtually every premise of global warming has been shattered.

> Your ideologically vested and emotionally based denials about global warming 
> are interesting in terms of how YOU perceive reality, but they carry no 
> weight in the vast, reputably legitimized global scientific community.

What planet are you on?

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