--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote: > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote: > > > [snip] > > > > > The legitimacy of scientific research isn't a matter of popular opinion, > > Shremp. > > > > > > Precisely! > > > > > > > Vast majorities used to believe that the sun and the stars revolved around > > the earth - or that the earth was flat. > > > > > > Yes, just as many politically correct scientists who want to continue to > receive their government grants still claim that there is man-made > catastrophic global warming...when there isn't. > > Thank you for providing the best argument for MY side. >
Bananas. > > > > The scientific method isn't governed by, nor does it depend on, public > > debate. It works within it's own long established and well tested and > > accepted parameters. > > > > > > Yes, and these parameters are NOT being met by Al Gore et al. Gore doesn't claim to be a scientist. Neither do I. But the overwhelming body of legitimate science that DOES work within said parameters speaks for itself - and we both recognize it [he, far much more than I because he's been studying it for what? ...two decades?]. That you don't recognize it, is YOUR problem, Shremp. As I mentioned, it says a lot about your vested ideological and emotionally based position. The approximately 20% remaining wingnut fringe has that same kind of mindset. > > Virtually every premise of global warming has been shattered. > LOL! Nothing you've e provided has done that, Shremp, by any stretch of the imagination. > > > > Your ideologically vested and emotionally based denials about global > > warming are interesting in terms of how YOU perceive reality, but they > > carry no weight in the vast, reputably legitimized global scientific > > community. > > > > What planet are you on? > As I used to say some time back during the Bush administration nightmare, I subscribe to the views of the 'reality based' community. You haven't remotely backed up your outlandish claims against the overwhelming body of scientific evidence indicating man-made global warming, Shremp. Practically lacking in providing any widely-accepted-as-legitimate scientific evidence, and by continuing to insist you have, you essentially define YOURSELF as a fringe loon.