--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > > (Caveat: I'm not arguing that Hagelin's ideas 
> > > connecting theoretical physics with TM are correct,
> > > only that Barry's ideas about Hagelin are
> > > INcorrect, especially his puerile analogy with Dan
> > > Brown.)
> > 
> > All physicists would agree with Barry on that point.
> I'm pretty sure they would, at least working
> physicists. The only ones who have any respect
> for Hagelin probably appeared with him on the
> "What the bleep..." film. :-)
> There is something that happens to supposed
> scientists when they catch the "New Age disease"
> or the "religion disease" or the "bhakti disease,"
> whatever you choose to call it. They become 
> believers in whatever their spiritual or occult
> trip is, and science goes right out the window
> EXCEPT as a mechanism for them to "get strokes"
> from the religion or teacher they've become
> enamored with. 
> Judy wouldn't know about this. She never got any
> closer to the TM movement than to dip a toe in
> so she could say, "I've been there." But she never
> *has* "been there." She never had what it took to
> become a TM teacher, or to commit to trying to
> spread TM. Above all, she doesn't understand the
> fanatical desire to "please the teacher" that 
> people who *do* commit to such spiritual groups
> feel. They will do the stupidest things on earth,
> just to be "patted on the head" by the teacher.
> Hagelin is NOT a scientist. He stopped being one
> many, many years ago. What he is is a religious
> fanatic. And pretty much anyone who still *is*
> a scientist can see what Hagelin has become.
> Like jr_esq, science and the "desire to find out"
> no longer drive Hagelin. He is driven by the desire
> to "prove" that the "vedic ideas" Maharishi gave to
> him are "correct" or "true." So he attempts to "bend"
> science to "fit" these ideas. 
> It's a shitty fit. But he gets away with it because
> the people in the audiences he speaks to are trying
> just as hard as he is to do the same thing. Like jr,
> they BELIEVE completely that the vedic seers "knew
> it all," and that modern thinkers and modern science
> are merely trying to "catch up." 
> That's ridiculous, of course, but so are they. 
> Religious fanatics always are, whether it's 
> Christian fundamentalism or Hindu fundamentalism.


This guy speaks your language.  Maybe he can be your next guru.



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