On Aug 7, 2009, at 10:43 PM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

Reading these replies and looking at those anti-TM webpages,

seems there are at least four types of Transcendental Meditation deniers.

TM deniers:

1. "upsetting to many people is when a group claiming to have spiritual truths constantly bombards the media outlets with lies and exaggerations"

2. "Losers are provoked by success."

3."religious fundamentalism"

4. "It's just that it's so entertaining" For fun.

5. The truth is like bliss, it's irresistible. Bees are just naturally drawn to the flower. So ultimately truth will prevail and you may have to let go of all the falsely acquired lies you were told. This process may be painful for some and some will try to resist, but nature is invincible. Resistance is futile Doug!

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