No, I have never considered it and would never consider it.

If I ever aspired to teach TM, I would get myself certified and do it through 
the auspices of the TMO.

--- In, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> ...having been bitten by the TMO as an unrecertified teacher wanting  
> to share the teaching you preserve through your practice? Have you  
> considered joining a movement like the Vedic Meditation movement and  
> share the gift you enjoy?
> I can imagine a number of spinoffs inspired Ex-TM teachers could share:
> Tantric Mantra Meditation
> Transcendental Silence Meditation
> Bija Mantra Meditation
> Ishta-Devata Meditation
> ...and any number of variations.
> The possibilities are endless for the aspiring ex-TM teacher, esp. if  
> you're near or in retirement and want something rewarding to do with  
> your time.
> Have you or any of the other ex-TM teachers here considered that  
> (Shemp? Raunchy D? Rick? Barry? Nabby? Dorflx? etc.) What would you  
> call it? Are you too attached to the old name or is the innocent  
> experience more important and the name less so?

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