Vaj wrote:
> On Aug 8, 2009, at 7:51 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> I think ex-TM teachers would do better to learn some other technique to
>> teach from a genuine guru. You don't have an organization to deal with
>> and can teach freely on your own. That's what I did.
> What about integration? Is it worth integrating an old, popular 
> meditation techniques (that are now largely passé) to something new 
> only in packaging? Or does it have to be new--from the source--"seig 
> heil" pure as some Republicans might prefer or nothing?
> Of course the other option is to discard all the above.
I find TM flawed so would not use it as a technique for the masses.  It 
works somewhat but it may leave the practitioner uncentered.  I'm sort 
of with Shemp on this.  Leave TM in its original package.  If you want 
to teach meditation outside the movement then go learn something else to 
teach.  It's not that complicated.

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