TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> I'm only relating my own experience.  Everyone else can decide for 
>> themselves.
> I think that's the issue that is really in contention.
> You're arguing with people who want...nay, need...
> everyone to do and think as she says. Anything less
> is treated as stupidity and disloyalty to their holy
> "rightness."  :-)
> Me, I can stay out of this silly egodebate because 
> Spain is quite sensibly waiting for the vaccine to
> prove itself safe before even looking into it. The
> exact quote was, "If the Americans want to act as
> guinea pigs for yet another pharmaceutical company,
> so be it. We will analyze the real public data to
> determine the vaccine's safety and effectiveness, 
> not the data coming from the manufacturer."
> Isn't it fascinating that the very people who have
> been casting Big Phrama as the Bad Guys in the health
> care debate are lining up to get shot up with their
> latest drug, and calling those who don't names?
> Reading FFL in "Message View" only is instructive. 
> It contains only the first sentence or so of each 
> post, which is more than enough to determine that my
> decision never to click on posts from certain people
> ever again was a wise one, and my suspicion that none
> of these people would ever say anything worth reading
> was *mainly* accurate. However, not even *I* could 
> have foreseen "Get your flu shot or you are unAmerican." 
> That's a new level of crazy altogether.

Exactly.  We don't even know if the vaccine is going to work.   Plus 
people who are already immune even if it is a natural immunity can't 
spread it.  Nothing  like being called a Republican because you won't 
get a flu shot. :-D

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