On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 4:14 PM, bob_brigante<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> My neighbor with a brain tumor got a visit from Apria's giant van yesterday,
> but I doubt if a doc was aboard -- you can still get a actual doctor house
> call in England, but that's pretty much a gone John here.
> http://www.apria.com/about_apria/1,2746,512,00.html

In my part of the US nurse practitioners are becoming very popular.
And even those people are overkill.  You really don't need a family
physician (4 year residency required) or general practitioner to
handle most problems.  An EMT or medic would do.  I've been treated
quite adequately by nurse practitioners where I live, at Gatwick
Airport when I took ill before a flight back to the US, and in

IRRC nurse practitioners are becoming very popular in places like
Iowa, especially in the area of anesthesia.  I needed day surgery a
few years ago and was kind of shocked when I was introduced to my
anesthetist, a nurse practitioner.  But I've never received such care
and concern as I have from her.  Whenever my blood oxygen saturation
dropped, she'd be at my side urging me to breathe and giving me some
Vicodin.  I had a deviated septum repaired.  These make it difficult
to breath and also hurt.

Considering the care I get from my gp, I'd much rather walk into a
fire station and ask to be seen by an EMT.

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