> > Don't you just hate those American 'wingnuts' coming 
> > to Washington to protest government spending!
> > 
raunchydog wrote:
> Wrong on reason for protest: Confederate flags, 
> symbols of treason and racism are a must at a tea 
> party. Guns are great and diversity is stupid.
> http://snipurl.com/rtkaa
But, Don't you just hate those American 'wingnuts' 
coming to Washington to protest government spending?

> Wrong on numbers: DC Teabagging crowd estimate 
> pegged at 8675309 because it "has a good beat and 
> you can dance to it" 
> http://snipurl.com/rtkb7
Don't you just hate that 'Teabagging' crowd?

It seems like John and Judy do. I wonder what's up
with that? From what I've read, the health care 
reform will cost billions of dollars. And we've just 
bailed out the banks and the auto manufacturers with 
billions of dollars. And we've spent billions of 
dollars on the war against the terrorists. 

So, I wonder why John and Judy would hate the 
protests against government spending? 

As for the numbers, maybe the White House used that
number to over-inflate the attendance, so they could
later say not that many showed up, so the protest was 
a failure. But, it seems like more people showed up
for this protest than the anti-war protest a few 
years ago. 

> Wrong on Obama the socialist: Obama the corporatist.
What happened to the 'war-protesters' anyway? You'd 
think they'd be out in droves on an occasion like this, 
since we're still losing two or three wars. They used
to hate the military industrial complex and the war
corporations. I guess now they're just hating the 
government spending 'wingnuts'. Go figure.

> > Read more:
> > 
> > 'A million march to US Capitol to protest against 
> > 'Obama the socialist'
> > By David Gardner
> > Daily Mail, september 14, 2009
> > http://tinyurl.com/pzbnzo
> >

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