--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <wg...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> snip
> > Suggesting that this person's reality is Reality
> > is to suggest that there is only *One* Reality.
> > And sorry, but I'm not buyin' that one...
> Whether or not you "buy it" is really secondary to whether 
> or not it is true, yes? No one is forcing you to buy it! 
> If scripture says one thing and you do another, then 
> (presuming scripture is correct) you still have to pay 
> the price for transgression of that law, whether or not 
> you "buy it".

Do you understand, Billy, that you have just
presented "scripture" the same way that Christian
Fundamentalist crazies do? As something that you
might "transgress" against, and thus "pay the
price for?" 

This sounds suspiciously like your view of sex, in
which you abstain because you're afraid you might
have to "pay the price" That belief of yours has 
always struck me as being too similar to General 
Jack D. Ripper's beliefs in Dr. Strangelove: "A 
foreign substance is introduced into our precious 
bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. 
Certainly without any choice. That's the way your 
hard-core Commie works."  :-)

Less silly, Billy, do you really want your rela-
tionship with the books you consider "scripture" to
be one based on FEAR? That's what you described.

> Eventually, you want to find yourself 'floating on the 
> river of tao', that is in complete harmony with the laws 
> of nature on the path to eternal happiness, yes?  

No. I have no desire to ever float down the river
of Tao. Those who go with flow end up down the drain.

> Isn't this what life is truly about?

Not for me. For me, life is "about" living it on its
own terms as *I* see them, not as some book full of
"Thou shalt not...or else" pronouncements sees it.

I hold NO book ever written on this planet to be "holy"
or "scripture." That is, I consider none of them any
more "holy" or "scriptural" than, say, a good novel.

I *understand* that you do. And frankly, look what 
that's done for you. You are terrified of doing certain
things that most people consider their innate right and
a basic part of being human. And you're afraid of doing
these things because someone or something supernatural
is going to smite your ass if you do them. 

Do you honestly think that's a *commercial* for the
value of "scripture?"

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