--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB wrote:
> one of the reasons
> I like the "multiple realities" theory is that it
> helps to explain subjective experiences that I and
> others have had of "past life flashbacks."
> Interestingly, when such flashbacks occur, at least
> to me, the subjective experience of them is *not*
> that they happened in the past and I am "remembering"
> them. It's that they are happening Right Here, Right 
> Now, and that for some reason I am just tapping into 
> them, as if I had accessed a separate-but-equal 
> timeline which is still going on.
> Surely you've heard raps from physics or the New Age
> about the theory that time does not exist, and that
> everything is happening at once in an eternal Now.
> According to such theories, time is the illusion.
> This is *exactly* what the "past life flashbacks"
> that I and many friends I know who have had similar
> flashbacks feels like. It feels as if we have some-
> how "shifted timelines" and are experiencing Right
> Here Right Now something that *theoretically* may
> have happened in the past, but *feels* as if it
> is still happening. 

My mother once described two such experiences to me. 
I wonder if she had others?

Thanks for the description. I had not realized they 
were as common as you present them to be.

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