--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_re...@...> wrote:
> > "...When former President Jimmy Carter revealed that Israel has more than 
> > 150 nuclear weapons, 
> ******
> Regardless of Carter's motives, revealing Israel's massive arsenal, nearly 
> equal to China's ( 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_with_nuclear_weapons ) is exactly 
> what Israel wants: an explicit and credible statement about the extreme 
> retaliatory and deterrent power of Israel, which Israel could not state 
> itself without creating problems in its relationships, especially with the 
> United States with its laws against supporting nuclear proliferation (a 
> stance which is pretty much out the door after India and Pakistan).
> However, this is really a fool's game. Just as the U.S., after WWII, thought 
> it was on top of the world due to its nuclear monopoly until the Russians and 
> other burst that bubble, Israel's ability to threaten the Arab/Muslim world 
> is only going to last a few more years until oil-rich states finance a much 
> larger arsenal and no amount of diplomatic or military pressure is going to 
> stop that.

Gosh, I didn't realize that Israel "threatens" the Arab/Muslim world with 
nuclear anihilation.  I've been aware of Israel voicing its determination to 
defend itself but I didn't know that it threatens other sovereign states.

When did this occur, Bob?  Specifics, please.

I can, of course, cite you instances of the Muslim world threatening Israel 
with anhiliation.  Why just today, the President of Iran did just that.

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