--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
> because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.

No, the reason Barry's so obsessed with it is because
it gives him something to attack the FFLers he doesn't
like about.

> But that has been perverted by the revenge fantasists
> on FFL to me "supporting and enabling a child rapist."
> Go figure. 

Yeah, it's because Barry is supporting a child rapist.

But the "revenge fantasies" bit is *his fantasy*,
and as such it's very revealing of *his motivations*.

> The amount of time Polanski serves is now a moot point.
> By the time his extradition is settled, he will have
> spend more time behind bars than he was originally
> sentenced to, and that will be *before* he is returned
> to the US, if he is.

He was never sentenced. He fled the country to avoid
being sentenced.

> The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
> media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
> MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't 
> seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
> the legal system they claim to be upholding.

Well, Barry got one simple fact wrong already in
this post; let's see if he gets any of the others

> Roman Polanski was convicted of (after having been
> talked into confessing to it as part of a plea bargain
> that was not honored) only *one* thing -- having had 
> sex with a minor. That's it. That is ALL that he was
> convicted of.
> The people screaming for revenge can't seem to remember
> this. They talk about the supposed drugging and the anal
> rape as if they were facts, and had been proven to be
> facts in court, and as if Polanski had been convicted 
> of doing these things. THAT NEVER HAPPENED. These 
> things were never established as fact; he was never found 
> guilty of these things. They were, and remain, hearsay.

Nope, not hearsay, firsthand grand jury testimony.

This is hearsay:

"evidence based not on a witness's personal knowledge
but on another's statement not made under oath"

The victim testified under oath to a grand jury about
her own personal knowledge of what happened.

> Roman Polanski can be held accountable (some would 
> say "unfortunately," and I agree with them) for only one 
> thing -- having had sex with a minor. *That* is the only 
> thing he was convicted of. The *only* penalties that can 
> be applied to him are penalties appropriate to that crime. 

Nope, he can also be penalized for fleeing prosecution.
> That's the appeal of reason and of legal fact.


"Legal fact" that Barry gets completely wrong.

 But this
> case isn't *about* reason or fact; it's about emotion.
> Normally sane people get so emotional that Cokie Roberts
> said yesterday on This Week (only partly tongue in cheek),
> "Roman Polanski is a criminal. He raped and drugged and 
> raped and sodomized a child. And then was a fugitive from 
> justice. As far as I'm concerned, just take him out and 
> shoot him."
> This normally sane reporter doesn't even realize that
> she is so emotional she said "raped" twice, let alone
> that she's calling for him to be punished for *things
> he was not convicted of*.

Yes, he *was* convicted of rape. Rape is what he pled
guilty to, see, so Roberts (who knew exactly what she
was saying) was entirely correct to refer to it as such.

> The guy should have received the same jail sentence as
> anyone else in the state of California convicted of 
> having had sex with a minor. End of story. "Weighting"
> his sentence and making it lighter because he was famous
> is unacceptable. "Weighting" his sentence and making it
> longer because of hearsay

Not "hearsay." Barry obviously doesn't know what
"hearsay" means.

 that was never allowed to be
> presented in court (because of the plea bargain) and 
> that he was never convicted of is unacceptable.

Nobody here thinks he should be penalized for raping
a minor and fleeing prosecution any more than anyone
else in the state of California who committed the same

> Stop letting emotion poison your brains, people. Step
> away from the outrage (faux or real) and away from the
> revenge fantasies and try to remember the *facts*. Roman
> Polanski was convicted of having sex with a minor. Period.

Having sex with a minor is called "statutory rape."
A minor is legally considered incapable of 
consenting to sex, therefore sex with a minor is
legally nonconsensual, which means it's rape.

> If you're calling for "punishment" for more than that,
> the person who considers themselves "above the law"
> is YOU.

Among all his other myriad confusions, Barry's 
getting us confused with Cokie Roberts.

Another thing Barry is confused about: He seems to
think expressions of outrage on an Internet forum
or blog *will somehow change the laws to which
Polanski is subject*. Barry should stop letting
emotion poison his brain, and then maybe he'd be
able to think straight and remember the *facts*.

He might also want to look up the legal terms he
tosses around and find out what they actually
*mean* before he tries to use them in his

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