Re: Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...
<../../../../message/231481>  What a low, vile, odious thug you've
become to resort to such tawdry personal attacks. What a fucking jerk --
get your brain scanned for tumors...

Ahem. Might I remind you of a certain post that
had the memorable title "The Sagging Jowled
Spewer of Tamas" and suggesting that Judy was
"up for the Skank  of Fairfield Life award?"

She posted the photograph, dude. You felt free
to comment on that photo once. I did the same.

Wasn't in Jeezus who said something about
"Remove the tumor from thine own eye before
you start poking around trying to remove one
from other people?"

Edg Duveyoung, King Of Hypocrisy

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