Yeah, I had a dark moment, and well, I was wrong.

But, I put some creativity into it -- signifying that, as usual, I was more 
about displaying my incredible wunderkind virtuosity than I was intending to 
actually have a real world impact.  Consider how hard I worked to come up with 
amazingly novel ways to scour Willy for instance, and yet, he's impervious to 
any taunt.  Believe me, it's more about ego over here than error over there.  
And, I was pretty sure it'd be water off you, ducky.  A big fat excuse, I know, 
I know, but you were calling me a liar and a "fuck something" or a "something 
fuck" and, oh, so, can I at least say that it wasn't completely unprovoked on 
my part? I'm just sayin' -- but, yeah, for sure we could get 60 votes in the 
Senate to censor me at least.

I'd be far more ashamed; however, looking over my list of things to be ashamed 
of, I have to admit that this sin is far far down the list of my sins.  So, I 
won't be making space for that sin to get on the band wagon and take a turn 
whipping my ass with guilt -- in fact, I'd say it was about 30 years ago when I 
had accumulated so much guilt that my tank was full -- so hey, now I can just 
sin right and left and never have "that mounting dread" feeling any more than 
when it topped off 30 years ago.  Hee hee.  Not really, but I love the 
concept....if only human brains worked like that.  

So, sorry Judy, sorry.  Probably, maybe, sorta, kinda it'll never happen again. 


--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > What a low, vile, odious thug you've become to resort
> > to such tawdry personal attacks.  What a fucking jerk --
> > get your brain scanned for tumors, you're so out of it.
> Bit of a problem for you to chastise Barry for
> making such remarks given your attack on me
> awhile back.
> But at least you were working from an actual photo
> of my face, as weirdly off-base as your description
> was.
> Barry's going only by his fantasies.
> > 
> > Edg
> > 
> > --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Mea culpa.
> > > 
> > > Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?
> > > <../../../message/231474>  ... <snip> ... I sit corrected. Well, no,
> > > actually I sit and roll on the floor laughing. Oops, my ass just fell
> > > off...
> > > 
> > > And a good thing, too. That's 40 pounds she could
> > > easily do without...this is probably the first time in
> > > several decades she's been the right weight for her
> > > height.

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