Big Sunday for Jefferson County Trails

The Fairfield Loop Trail Bridge over Highway 1 will be opening this weekend.
The inauguration of the Charles William (Bill) Matkin trail bridge, located
north of Fairfield (just north of the M.U.M. campus), will take place this
Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m.

Volunteers have recently completed the wooden approaches on both sides of
the structure. Local structural engineer Bill Matkin, who also was
responsible for designing most of the Loop Trail bridges, designed the
all-weathering Cor-ten steel bridge.

Weather conditions may not allow for the completion of the new trail
connections before the inauguration, so those planning on attending the
inauguration are being asked to come to the new bridge via the west side of
Highway 1. The new Matkin Plaza will also be shown to the public as part of
Sunday's ceremonies.

Sunday is also the day of the Cedar Valley Trail drive, which will be held
from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. regardless or the weather conditions for the
weekend. The 1.5-mile trail drive will allow those interested to drive their
vehicles along the trail, including over the new trail bridge over Highway
34, to get an idea of all the scenic highlights of the trails system.


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