On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 12:13 PM, ruthsimplicity
<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

I don't see a lot of this thread because I have some "contributors" to
FFL spam blocked.  I can say that the TMO has changed its mind on mood
making.  MMY said what you place your attention on will grow.  As a
continuation of this thought, it's now OK to affect a mood of higher
states and seeking the highest first.  Placing your attention on, even
believing you're in higher states is proported to help propel you
towards those higher states.


Life is not what you see, but what you've projected. It's not what
you've felt, but what you've decided. It's not what you've
experienced, but how you've remembered it. It's not what you've
forged, but what you've allowed. And it's not who's appeared, but who
you've summoned.

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