Teaching Transcendental Meditation: The tools to create a better world - Dr 
Robert Roth accepts honorary degree
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    22 November 2009

>From youthful dreams of saving the world, to his work as National Director of 
>Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace in the US, Dr Robert Roth 
>shared his inspiring, profound vision as he accepted the degree of Doctor of 
>World Peace, Honoris causa, bestowed by the Trustees of Maharishi University 
>of Management (M.U.M.). 

The honorary degree was conferred in a special ceremony on the M.U.M. campus in 
Fairfield, Iowa, USA on 12 November 2009, by Dr Bevan Morris, President of the 
M.U.M. and Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, (Please see 
previous article.) 

Beginning his acceptance speech, Dr Roth said, 'There are no words to express 
my profound appreciation for this highest honour—a doctorate of World Peace 
from the world's greatest university of world peace, bearing the name of the 
greatest proponent of world peace, whose meditation technique I have practised 
for over forty years, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,' Founder of the 
Transcendental Meditation Programme and the Global Country of World Peace. 

With characteristic brilliance, humility, and humour, Dr Roth inspired all who 
were gathered for the ceremony, including the M.U.M. Board of Trustees, the 
university community, Dr David Lynch (whose Foundation Dr Roth serves as Vice 
President), as well as family and friends. 

Quoting from Dr Lynch's book, Catching the Big Fish, Dr Roth said, 'When you 
catch a big idea from the deepest level of your Being, about something really 
great you want to do with your life, always, always, always be true to that 
idea. Never forsake or compromise on that idea, because that idea has the 
support of the deepest level of life. That idea is like a seed that has 
everything you need for success.' 

Two major ideas shaped his life. As a 10 year old boy, he had a 'burning 
desire' to be a professional baseball player. Then, during his teens, a second 
great idea grew in his awareness. 'It was around the time of President Kennedy, 
and it has stayed with me ever since,' he said. 'It was the desire to save the 

In 1968, Dr Roth began studies in political science and journalism at the 
University of California, Berkeley, with the intent to become a lawyer and US 
Senator. Disillusionment quickly set in as he was confronted with hidden 
agendas, instead of the noble ideas he sought. 'I was then, and still am, a 
hopeless idealist,' he said. He came to realize, 'The changes I could make in 
politics were too incremental, too transitory, not foundational enough, to 
really do what I wanted to do—to help people in need and save the world.' 

He considered a career in education, working with teenagers and young children. 
Around that time he learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique. 'On the 
day I was instructed, a new idea rose up within me—the desire to teach this 
meditation to children.'* He studied with Maharishi and became a Teacher of 
Transcendental Meditation in 1972. He taught the technique in San Francisco's 
inner city schools, in San Quentin prison, and at General Motors Corporation. 
'I even taught the UCLA basketball team,' he said. 

'Then Maharishi started to speak of . . . the collective effects of 
Transcendental Meditation,' the TM-Sidhi Programme and Yogic Flying.' Maharishi 
explained that the stress in collective consciousness fueled the violence that 
raged around the globe, and that groups of Yogic Flyers could neutralize that 
stress, creating invincibility and harmony in the life of every nation. Dr Roth 
described his realization that 'I had the tools to contribute something 
meaningful to create a better world. Tools that transcended politics, 
economics, national borders, public opinion, and the machinations of dictators 
and despots, and special interest groups.' 

Global Good News will feature the conclusion of Dr Roth's acceptance speech in 
coming days, in which he describes the connection between his youthful dreams 
of baseball and world peace. 

* Dr Roth is Vice President of the David Lynch Foundation for 
Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. The organization is making it 
possible for many thousands of schoolchildren worldwide to learn the 
Transcendental Meditation Technique. 

** Dr Roth's acceptance speech was featured on the 16 November 2009 Maharishi 
Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the 
Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio 
track) are also available for automatic download, via an RSS feed. 

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