On Nov 23, 2009, at 5:42 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> Wonderful post, thanks for posting this.
> Regarding Dr. Frawley's concerns I can assure him that this is being taking 
> care of by the Holy Tradition.
> David is no fool, he knows very well that the "war" in putting the Asuras 
> back where they well belong has been going on for centuries and that many on 
> this list have given their life energy in this battle on behalf of Maharishi 
> Mahesh Yogi, the chief Kashtrahya in this battle in modern times.
> He is right also; Durga Herself will have do the final battle. We can only say
> Jai Guru Dev
> And do the regular Programme

I'm glad you found it helpful.

MMY was an asuriac guru. Asuriac gurus like MMY will always be intolerant of 
other forms of mysticism. Thus the lists of people "blacklisted" from TM and TM 
"sidhi" courses over the years, and the detailed questionnaires still required 
of cult members. Asuriac "yogis" will lead to "non-yogic samadhis" according to 
Frawley and will encourage their students to acquire mundane siddhis. These 
types of samadhi, according to to Frawley, will lead to "delusionary states of 
altered consciousness" but not higher consciousness, as they claim. Followers 
of Asuriac gurus acquire a "perverted idealism or self-righteousness" and this 
can be used to "incite the masses".

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