--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> >
> > Give ME money I don't have and I'll spend it like a drunken
> > sailor, too!
> > 
> > No one -- and I mean no one -- has spent more money more
> > quickly than this president.
> No president has *needed* to spend money more quickly
> than this president. In fact, he didn't spend enough
> quickly enough. But if he hadn't spent what he did when
> he did, the economic situation in this country would be
> far, *far* worse than it is now.

Well, then, you have to acknowledge that that figure of hate, George Bush, did 
a good thing because HE started all the spending and it was done with Obama's 
approval (remember that meeting in the oval office while the campaign was going 
on with Bush, McCain, and Obama) and Obama continued it and expanded it.

So it was NOT change we can beleive it...it was unchange and expansion of a 
George Bush policy.

You can't have it both ways, folks.

>   But I guess that's what you
> > get when you elect a community organiser for president.  
> > 
> > What do community organisers do?  Why, they knock on
> > the doors of various levels of government with hand
> > extended asking for money.
> Uh, no, that's not what community organizers do. Maybe
> that's called community organizing in Canada, but not
> in the U.S.

You have obviously done very little community organising in either country.  
Again, I was referring to the upper echelons of community organisations and 
that is precisely what their main activity is.

People on the lower echelons - like, obviously, you, Judy, if that has been 
your experience -- don't go to government to raise funds.  They either do the 
peon work or go to individuals and small companies to ask for money.

That's not what the Harvard educated elitist Barack Obama was engaged in (and, 
indeed, it would have been a waste to use him doing that kind of stuff).

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