--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2009, at 7:40 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > Saving some "TM defender" the need to say it:
> >
> > He's obviously a member of a hate group.
> >
> > :-)
> Yeah, esp. since he singles out TM as a cult:
> It is also known, though not widely, that there are individual  
> doctors who practice the same or similar methods at T.M. and the  
> like. However, it seems that these methods occupy a secondary or  
> subordinate role in their procedures. More importantly, there is  
> almost a complete lack of publicity regarding the application of  
> these methods by doctors, and since the main practice of these  
> doctors is linked with the conventional neurological and psychiatric  
> approach, it is generally assumed that whatever success they achieve  
> is not connected with results obtained from methods relating to T.M.  
> and the like; results which the cults acclaim with such fanfare.
> Since he seems to be insistent on removing all idolatry, the puja,  
> bowing, etc. and of course TM also violates the mitzvah of taking  
> another god (or goddess) before JHVH-1 (i.e. a goddess' mantra), it's  
> clearly out of the running for any observant Jew (as numerous rabbis  
> have indicated). They'd probably be delighted at the Jewish doctors  
> who are working on non-sectarian meditation forms. The research looks  
> great so far, and teacher training is about to begin. So it looks  
> like they got their wish. The Dalai Lama has worked closely with  
> Jewish leaders to help make this possible.
> It's interesting to see the Jewish community waking up to the  
> deception and marketing hooey of the TMO.

Well, seeing as Schneerson gave the lecture in '79 I'd say they are a little 
behind the eight ball in waking up to the revelation.

'79 was the time they really should have been disseminating the lecture as that 
is when it was big in both Israel and the U.S.  The reproduction at the website 
linked to is yesterday and, as we all know, practically no one starts TM today. 
 If Schneerson was making his comments about cults today I doubt very much 
whether TM would warrant even a mention.

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