On Dec 1, 2009, at 7:16 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:

> Well, seeing as Schneerson gave the lecture in '79 I'd say they are a little 
> behind the eight ball in waking up to the revelation.
> '79 was the time they really should have been disseminating the lecture as 
> that is when it was big in both Israel and the U.S. The reproduction at the 
> website linked to is yesterday and, as we all know, practically no one starts 
> TM today. If Schneerson was making his comments about cults today I doubt 
> very much whether TM would warrant even a mention.

I think you might be surprised. Because TM retains such a continuous media 
presence, always (still, after all these years), desperately trying to keep the 
sinking ship afloat, TM-as-cult still gets some mentions over the web. The 
Schneerson article was just one posted yesterday, and thus pushed by Google. 
Just today another one popped up on cults in New Jersey campuses 
 which mentions TM (albeit in the past sense) as recruiting on campus. I think 
TM and SCI, etc. just form a sort of iconic Hindu cult status (thus Mike Myer's 
recent spoof on Marshy), esp. re the 60's and 70's. Also keep in mind, many TM 
teachers spun off their own spirituo-bizzes, so that keeps it in the public 
memory. Plus living Beatles hype it.

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