> > This morning Thom Hartmann is slamming 
> > this latest cow-towance to the elite 
> > and their adolescent war mongering ways...
> >
Shemp McGurk wrote:
> I'm more curious to see how the Obama 
> ass-kissers on this forum are going to 
> react.  Let's see if they at least have 
> the integrity of Bhairitu and are 
> consistent with their beliefs...
Maybe they will freak out now that we see 
that Obama is just another war-monger with
a forked-tongue. 

Already some of the left-wing nuts are 
going bananas - they'll probably join a 
'Tea Party'. 

There he stood in front of the cadets, 
apologizing for his decision, blamming 
Bush for everything, and making threats 
to everyone else. 

Our enemies love it! 

"I have a brilliant idea - an eighteen 
month surge - just get me past the 
mid-term elections." - Barack Obama

Chris Matthews referred to West Point 
as an "enemy camp." 


"I liked the George Bush passages on 
American exceptionalism the best; yes, 
Obama was achingly phony, but I figure 
he was even more annoying to lefties." 
- Tom Maguire


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