...Like a lotus turned downwards is the heart,
a span below the neck and a span above the navel.

Know that heart to be the abode of God.
Surrounded by nerves, it hangs down like a lotus bud.

At its end is a subtle nerve,
in which is established the Being, who is everything.

A great fire is at its center, which has
flames all around, spreading in all directions.

It is the first partaker, the ageless knower,
who digests and circulates food.

Above and below are its spreading flames.
It keeps its body hot from head to feet.

At its core lies a flame, tapering finely upwards,
like the awn of corn, yellow, bright and subtle,
flashing like a lightening in the heart of a dark cloud.

At the center of this flame is installed the Supreme Being.
He is Brahman. He is Siva. He is Indra.

He is the indestructible Supreme Being, the lord Himself.

- excerpts from the Taittariya Aranyaka III.13

from Hymns of the Rig Veda - Compiled by Jayaram V

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