> > The Odds of Airborne Terror...
> > 
Judy wrote:
> Better tell Obama:
Who said John voted for Obama? Who said John voted 
since Richard Nixon was elected? John will take the
side of anyone, for any reason, that disagrees with 
Judy, even if it contradicts his own ideology. It's
beginning to look like all John can do these days 
is attempt to flame, but it makes him look really
stupid, not a very wise political pundit at all.

> ...A full investigation has been launched into this 
> attempted act of terrorism, and we will not rest until 
> we find all who were involved and hold them 
> accountable. 
> Now, this was a serious reminder of the dangers that we 
> face and the nature of those who threaten our homeland. 
> Had the suspect succeeded in bringing down that plane, 
> it could have killed nearly 300 passengers and crew, 
> innocent civilians preparing to celebrate the holidays 
> with their families and friends. 
> The American people should be assured that we are doing 
> everything in our power to keep you and your family 
> safe and secure during this busy holiday season. 
> Since I was first notified of this incident, I have 
> ordered the following actions to be taken to protect 
> the American people and to secure air travel. 
> First, I directed that we take immediate steps to 
> ensure the safety of the traveling public. We made sure 
> that all flights still in the air were secure and could 
> land safely. We immediately enhanced screening and 
> security procedures for all flights, domestic and 
> international. We added federal air marshals to flights 
> entering and leaving the United States. And we're 
> working closely in this country, federal, state and 
> local law enforcement, with our international partners. 
> Second, I have ordered two important reviews, because 
> it's absolutely critical that we learn from this 
> incident and take the necessary measures to prevent 
> future acts of terrorism....
> As a nation, we will do everything in our power to 
> protect our country. As Americans, we will never give 
> in to fear or division. We will be guided by our hopes, 
> our unity, and our deeply held values. That's who we 
> are as Americans; that's what our brave men and women 
> in uniform are standing up for as they spend the 
> holidays in harm's way. And we will continue to do 
> everything that we can to keep America safe in the new 
> year and beyond....

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