From: []
On Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 2:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Videoclip of David Lynch's helicopterflight to
Jyotir Math
What I always found interesting about him was his similarity to Bevan in the
following sense: on the 6-month course he was skinny as he is now (and looks
virtually the same). Then I saw him a few years later and he ballooned by,
literally, about 100 pounds. Then the next time I saw him he was back to
being skinny.
Bobby got really thin on his 6-month course because of fasting and extreme
dietary restrictions, but he's been a pretty normal weight ever since. He's
healthy and very energetic. He was never obese, so he couldn't have gained
100 pounds. Maybe 50.

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