nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> nablusoss1008 wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> Yup, Jolie is "pretty" confused.   Capitalism sucks.   It's just a bunch 
>>>> of robber barons holding the masses up.  They are a real drag on 
>>>> society.  The ironic thing is that the capitalists are getting bailouts 
>>>> from the government which is socialism for the rich while the rest of us 
>>>> are expected sink or swim in the cesspool of capitalism.
>>>> I'm really noticing trends in elitism in this country.  Special suff for 
>>>> the rich and nothing for the masses.  The time for revolution is NOW!
>>> Your wish has been granted. The revolution will be silent and very 
>>> effective, no bloodshed.
>>> "Now that communism is gone the next to go is capitalism"
>>> - Maharishi
>> I'm not holding my breathe.  That's been promised since the 1970s.
> Wrong. You missed that the quote is from 1989.  
>> Still waiting....
> It took the Sidhas, Governors, Maharishi and the Masters of Wisdom many years 
> to pull down the evil Berlin wall. 
> Tearing down capitalism is obviously a much greater undertaking as it is an 
> older and global cancer reaching all corners of earth. 
> But don't worry, Maharishi has had the downfall of capitalism in mind 
> since He came out of the Himalayas, it's bound to happen but patience is 
> necessary. 
> Somewhere He was quoted from the 50s saying that this Knowledge would end the 
> disgracing slavery conditions for working people everywhere (from memory) If 
> someone has the exsact quote it would be appreciated. 

Not the quote but the idea that the TMO would change the world.  It 
would take much more than the TMO to do that.

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