BTW, just as an "aside" and a tip of the hat to
those like Nabby who feel that a subject has no
relevance on FFL if there is no "TM connection,"
my love of the film "Desperado" has such a

One of the TMers I knew peripherally (but not 
well) in L.A. during the last days of my TMness
was a TM teacher named Bill Borden. As I remember
it, Bill was an energetic and enthusiastic Nice
Guy, one of those who parlayed his TM experience
into Something More.

As I remember it, he was one of several (like
Howard Gewirtz) who "signed on" to TM-owned 
Los Angeles TV station KSCI early on, and who 
turned that experience not only to their 
advantage, but the world's. 

Howard turned his KSCI resume into a successful
career as a TV writer and producer. Bill Borden
(although I lost touch with him and do not claim
him as a "friend") seems to have taken an even
higher path. Hispanic or partially-Hispanic him-
self, Bill seems to have "found his bliss" at
first in Hispanic-themed efforts. 

After paying his dues as Associate Producer on
"Against All Odds" and "White Nights," Bill's 
first producing effort on his own was "La Bamba."
I don't know about you, but I tip my fuckin' hat
to the dude for that movie. I'm *of* the Richie
Valens era. I *grew up* listening to the music
of Ricthie Valens. And I did so never knowing
(because of marketing) that he was Chicano, and
thus Breaking Barriers. 

Ritchie Valens *broke ground*. He was one of the
first Hispanics to seriously break into the Rock
'N Roll industry. He left his mark, and opened
doors of possibility for other Hispanics by doing
so. I always thought it was just really NEAT that
Bill felt about him the way that I did, and 
created such a loving portrait of him.

Despite the critical and box office success of
"La Bamba," Bill paid his dues for a while, pos-
sibly because he was Hispanic, doing lesser work.
Then came "Desperado."

Robert Rodriguez (Hispanic himself) is a force 
majure, a Law Of Nature. His personal power is 
unmistakable. When his first film "El Mariachi" 
was submitted to Sundance and walked off with all 
the accolades, Bill Borden was the producer who 
walked off with the rights to a sequel.

"Desperado" was the result. It's in my personal 
Top Ten Film List. And a TMer or former TMer
produced it. Does that fuck with my image as
a minion of Satan or what?


--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >
> > I decided to have lunch at a Mexican restaurant at the Mission 
> > District today.  As I got in the restaurant, I was surprised to 
> > see a five piece Mariachi band playing there.  So, I ordered my 
> > usual machaca dish and listened to the music.  Towards the end 
> > of my meal, I requested the band to play the following song:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > I'm hoping for everyone that the new year will be just as 
> > exciting as today.
> I am not a fan of Mariachi music, but every time
> I go to Paris, I go to a Mexican restaurant there
> because the Mariachis are fans of Los Lobos, as am
> I. They don't restrict themselves to the standard
> lame songs, and by now they know me, and when I 
> step into the room they play this song, Cancion Del
> Mariachi. Their lead singer has neither the voice
> nor the looks of Antonio Banderas, but it always
> lifts my spirits to hear the song again. This is
> more my idea of how to start an exciting new year.
> Or just an ordinary evening.
> YMMV. In fact, if you can listen to the Maharishi
> Honey Song without throwing up, your mileage 
> almost certainly varies.  :-)

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