meh- ixneh on the negative closing things out
To me
more loving and real is to sit with eyes closed and accept with no judgement, 
in fact, with open mind/arms -Welcome each sound, each car driving by, each 
bird talking while flying by,the sound of the air swirling...
any and every sound
all are existing here along with me
Acknowledge each 's existance by just listening and thereby accepting it's 
lifeforce/essence with me
Seems negative to 'delete' sounds
This way I become more aware 
and okay with all that is existing
how arrogant to think I am the only one that is important.
these birds have families and bellies of their own to feed and thoughts-
just listen and do not close the door on them ,
include them in your world
because they are there already
they are there for a good reason
open up the doors of the heart 
and see
heart open link
There is a time for close
(open-close)(breathe in, breathe out)
but my own opinion is that meditation is not the time for close.
Y all can disagree, it is my own experience, that this works for me.
Listen, acknowledge, welcome, let go-
listen...wait, patience, quiet the mind/body,next sound-and so on , and give 
thanks for all.
We need the bitter with sweet, and that with the sounds and people as well as 
Commentary by Meow


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