--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Has anybody done any DNA studies?  Something sticks
> in my mind having to do with DNA and Native Americans,
> but I can't remember what.

> Wait.  Tibetans??  How would they have acquired the
> necessary sailing skills?  Did they have a 
> tradition of exploration?  Would they have been
> monkish types, or merchant types?

Not sure how many DNA studies have  been done; below is an 
interesting (if lengthy) overview on the subject as a whole (though 
I see no mention of Tibet here). As to the Tibetan links with the 
Navajo and Apache, I am unable ATM to find the densely-argued 
internet papers mentioned earlier. It would appear at least some of 
them were priestly types, given the numerous correspondences in 
cosmology and sand painting, as well as sacred dances, costumes, and 
so on. Again, don't know about DNA, but physical similarities are 
stunning. Some scholars agree there are definite links between Sino-
Tibetan and Athabascan (Navajo-Apache) languages; others remain 

 Essays on geopolitics
history and the future
 Palden Jenkins
25. The Columbus myth 

The myth that Columbus discovered the Americas is subscribed to 
today and was recently reaffirmed in 1992 in North America on its 
500 year anniversary. It is a resilient myth, and great interests 
are vested in maintaining it. A sure sign of this is the general 
academic refusal to research the matter seriously or to consider any 
evidence which undermines the Columbian creed. Denial of the 
validity of evidence is insufficient, even though some claims made 
for pre-Columban trans-oceanic contact are inconclusive or dubious. 
There is strong evidence for such contact. It is unjustified to 
reject this quite plausible hypothesis on the basis that some 
inconclusive evidence implies that all evidence is spurious – a 
classic sceptic's technique.

My own interest in this was aroused in 1986 when I met a farmer in 
Cornwall (SW Britain) on whose land lies the ancient Merry Maidens 
stone circle. He recounted that, when grubbing up an old earthen 
field boundary some years before, he had found a deeply-buried 
greenstone arrowhead which his son then took to school to show his 
teacher. The teacher sent it to the British Museum for 
identification, and the reply returned that it was at least 5,000 
years old and derived from specific rock deposits in Minnesota. The 
possibility of this being a hoax was minuscule: there is little 
point planting evidence in a place where it is unlikely to be found 
or to be accepted as valid evidence – hoaxers need a pay-off. The 
farmer had little interest in prehistory – he was a classic farmer-
type! What was interesting to me was that this evidence suggested 
west-to-east travel, from the `New' to the `Old' World, while one 
would tend to expect east-to-west travel, if anything. West Cornwall 
was frequented in ancient times by tin traders from the 
Mediterranean, particularly Phoenicians. Cornwall was a major 
trading place for tin, a valuable metal in alloy production in Roman 
times, so this region was a seafaring node. The Phoenicians were 
also intrepid travellers with a penchant for keeping their trade-
sources and destinations secret. They are known to have travelled 
around Africa and as far as Scandinavia, and there is reasonable 
evidence they reached the Azores too. As intrepid seafarers, America 
is not out of the question as a destination.

Evidence for ancient contacts over both the Atlantic and the Pacific 
with the Americas is certainly sufficient to deserve greater 
attention and a preliminary acceptance that Columbus was not the 
first to `discover' America. We know that the Vikings and the Irish 
(St Brendan) had been there, together with Nicholas of Lynn in 1360. 
The Vikings actually spent a few centuries visiting eastern North 
America, and penetrating well into the Great Lakes and possibly to 
the Gulf of Mexico. Ian Wilson points out that Columbus had gained 
his navigational information from English fishermen and traders in 
Iceland. However, this is not the full story.

Much of the evidence for trans-oceanic contact is circumstantial and 
debatable – for example, the use of parallel building styles and 
techniques on both sides of the Atlantic, the existence of specific 
species on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific and the existence 
of similar items of vocabulary or other cultural traits connecting 
specific cultures in the Americas with those of Eurasia. However, 
some evidence is much more definite, taking the form of specific 
remains found in the Americas which seem Old World in origin. One of 
the most contentious areas lies in the field of epigraphy, the study 
of ancient rock-carved motifs found in America, spearheaded by the 
enthusiastic Harvard scholar Barry Fell and his associates.

Amongst these remains are included Iberic-Roman amphorae of the 
+100s-300s found in Maine, Honduras and Rio de Janeiro, late Roman 
coins found in Texas, Massachusetts, off Venezuela, in Brazil, North 
Carolina, Ohio, Georgia and Oklahoma, Roman lamps in Alabama, 
Connecticut and Peru; inconclusive though possible Hebrew 
inscriptions in Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, New Mexico and 
Arizona, Phoenician inscriptions in W Virginia, Cape Cod and Rhode 
Island and Brazil; Muslim coins at Cambridge, Massachusetts (which 
might have been left by Vikings ) and Venezuela, and Arabic tokens 
in Tennessee, Indiana and New York.

This is not all. There seems to have been extensive visitation to 
the Americas by two major groups: Africans (specifically Ghanaians 
or Malians) and Chinese, Annamese (Vietnamese) and Japanese. The 
High Chief of Ghana is reputed to have sailed to the Caribbean with 
a flotilla in the -800s, according to later Islamic scholars. It is 
solidly arguable that the enormous heads carved by the Olmecs of 
Mexico around that time, and Mayan murals of dark-skinned beings at 
Bonampak and Chichen Itza were depictions of Africans. Burials of 
negroid bones have been identified at Tlatilco, Cerro de las Mesas 
and Monte Alban in Mexico. The black Carib and Arawaki peoples of 
the south Caribbean and Panama, who lived there long before the 
slave trade from Africa started, leave a big question as to their 
origin, together with the `Mandinga' language of minorities from 
Venezuela to Nicaragua. In addition, the use of American maize and 
cassava in west Africa before Europeans arrived needs some 
explaining. Sultan Abubakari of Mali was recorded in the +1300s 
Arabian History of Africa to have led 200 vessels westwards – it 
should be remembered that favourable currents make such navigation 
quite rapid. It was shown by Thor Heyerdahl in the raft Ra to take 
55 days, and by Hannes Lindemann, who sailed across the Atlantic in 
56 days by dugout canoe. There are also carvings at La Venta and 
Monte Alban in Mexico and Guatemala which show bearded Caucasian-
type people.

Contact between Asia and America is marginally easier than from 
Europe, following the line of the Aleutian islands from Siberia to 
Alaska and down the American west coast – it is estimated that 
thousands of wrecked junks were washed ashore on the north-west 
coast of America between +200 and +1800, by dint of the Kuro Shio 
ocean currents. If wrecked junks can get there, so can seaworthy 
junks too – not to mention unsinkable bamboo rafts recently 
demonstrated to have been able to sail from Vietnam to Canada. 
Genetic and artefact links in America deriving from Japan and Shang 
and Zhou China are established and suspected to be extensive, 
amongst the north-western Haida people, the ancient Valdivia culture 
of Equador, in Peru, at Vera Cruz in Mexico and at some of the 
Yucatan Mayan remains, and repeated Chinese chronicles give details 
of Fu-Sang, the `Isle of the Blest', so named by them around +100.

Chinese visiting America in more recent times have reported the 
ability to communicate with Sioux, Apache, Bolivian Quecha and some 
Peruvian peoples. The Shan Hai Ching was a Chinese world survey 
comprising 32 geographical journals, compiled around -2250 (during 
the megalithic period in Europe) in the reigns of Shang emperors 
Huang-ti and Yao. Inscriptions and linguistic connections between 
Asia and American peoples exist also, as noted by mythographer 
Joseph Campbell, who compared Chinese and Mexican motifs in detail. 
The emergence around -500 of the Izapan culture of Mexico is 
connected by some to maritime contact with Chinese, with Chinese 
motifs appearing at Izapan, Mexico and Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala.

The Celts have American traditions too, ranging from the westward 
sailing of the Irish hero Cuchulainn (whom some theorise on a long-
shot to be Quetzalcoatl) to the voyages of St Brendan and the 
Welshman Madoc. Brendan was a well-loved abbot whose voyage to 
America in a curragh was emulated by Tim Severin in 1977. While 
sceptics use the more fanciful parts of the stories recounted in 
Vita Brendani and Navigatio Sancti Brendani to demonstrate that the 
tradition was spurious, many of the records correspond 
topographically with the likely journey from Ireland, via the 
Faeroes, Iceland and Greenland to Labrador – with some embellishment 
thrown in which should not be used to negate all of the information. 
It was this tradition of Brendan's voyage which drew the Vikings 
westward, only to meet Celtic monks living in Iceland and Greenland. 
Even the Arabian geographer Al Idrisi mentioned `Great Ireland' 
(Irlandah-al-Kabirah) west of Iceland in his atlas of 1154. Many 
medieval maps showed Brendan's Isle and the mythical Celtic land of 
Hy-Breasail, up to the time of Columbus. But was Brendan the first 
Celt to cross `the pond', or was he himself working from prior 
navigational information?

There are hints of earlier Celtic visits to America. Fell and others 
make extensive claims identifying rock glyphs in Colorado, Oklahoma, 
Mexico and other places – even Japan – as Ogam, the ancient Druidic 
magical script. Stone chambered mounds of New England (such as 
Calendar I) satisfactorily resemble British megalithic mounds, 
obeying similar principles of alignment to the rising and setting 
points of the sun and moon as are found in Britain. This can, of 
course, be `coincidence', but coincidence needs explaining too!

Welsh remains have been identified in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee 
and Missouri. Welsh-speaking natives were noted by early settlers in 
New Jersey and the Carolinas, and an ongoing dispute has gone on 
over the white-skinned Mandan Indians of North Dakota, who honoured 
an ancestor called Madoc Maho and who understood Welsh. Convincing 
Welsh traditions record that Madoc ab Owain Gwynedd sailed westwards 
in 1170 from north Wales, to return later to collect more people and 
return to Alabama. Structures investigated by Mallery in Ohio showed 
quite clear signs of Celtic technologies.

Then there are assorted contacts made during the Middle Ages, the 
best known of which was the voyage of Leif Eriksson from Iceland 
to `Vinland' or `Markland' (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia or Cape Cod), 
landing in 1003. The second expedition under Thorvald Eriksson 
landed up in conflict with Algonquin warriors, leading to 
abandonment of the project. Incidentally, Muslim linguistic links 
with the Algonquin have been suggested – these are not disconnected, 
since the Vikings traded with the Arabs of Baghdad, and it is 
conceivable that they could have carried Muslim sailors or 
travellers with them. It is suggested that the Viking colony 
possibly numbered some thousands of people. Adam of Bremen, a 
historian, noted that Vinland was well known for its wines. This 
transatlantic traffic seems to have continued until the late 1340s, 
when bubonic plague hit Iceland, Norway and presumably the American 
colony, decimating the scant population. However, a rune-stone 
dating to 1362 (quite late for Vikings) was found in Minnesota, and 
Mallery discovered further sites along the St Lawrence and in 
Virginia – though these are greeted with a mixture of ridicule, 
disinterest and doubt. The best known site is at L'Anse aux Meadows 
in Newfoundland, although there is reason to believe Irish settlers 
of around +700 preceded Vikings at this site. Note that Columbus 
visited Reykjavik in Iceland in 1477, before his famed voyages!

Late Medieval European mapmakers seem to have possessed information 
about far-off lands to the west – especially Martellus and Behaim. 
The Zeno and Piri Reis maps hint at much greater knowledge of the 
geography of the world than we think. Apparently a forefather of 
Nicolo Zeno accompanied Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, to spend 
nine years in America from 1395, following the old Viking north 
Atlantic route. This cartographical issue is a complex area, though 
it deserves further research. The Catholic church held a flat earth 
to be true doctrine, and geographers who questioned this were 
persecuted, not least Mercator. Behaim and others, however, marked 
significant lands west over the Atlantic on their maps.

In the period immediately preceding Columbus' celebrated landfall, 
there seems to have been some European activity in North America. In 
1472, Diedrich Pining and Johannes Skolp appear to have landed in 
Newfoundland and charted numerous islands. There are signs that the 
Portuguese had discovered the Americas before Columbus, holding 
their voyages secret until a near-war broke out between Portugal and 
Spain when the Pope gave the Spaniards exclusive rights to colonise 
the `Indies'. The known voyages of Diogo de Sevill in 1427 and 
Cabral in 1431 to the Azores, and the several voyages of Joao 
Fernandez between 1431 and 1486 can be construed as possible secret 
visits to the Americas. There is also incomplete evidence, including 
notes by Columbus himself, to show that merchant adventurers from 
Bristol were visiting the Americas in the 1470s, the Genoese John 
Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) amongst them.

As an aside to this, Ian Wilson suggests that the name America was 
not, as is commonly held, named after Amerigo Vespucci, the 
Portuguese explorer who mapped the coast of South America 1499-1502. 
Rather, it was named after Richard Ameryk (ap Meryke), a Bristolian 
merchant and customs collector of Welsh extraction, and later 
immortalised by the mapmaker Waldseemueller.

All these bits of evidence and signs of transoceanic connections 
can, of course, be taken to be fantasy, or the work of some sort of 
conspiracy of unpatriotic Americans or foreigners to construct a 
case against the US policy of `isolationism'. Or they can be taken 
as signs of something genuine. Since the prevailing ideology is that 
Columbus `discovered' America, and since this ideology is important 
to the notion of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant supremacy in USA, 
there is a disinclination to accept such evidence as valid for 
further research or even for consideration. Spanish Latino South 
Americans aren't too enthusiastic to imbibe this stuff either. 
However, the extent of evidence, from artefacts, remains, 
anthropological and linguistic data, Old World records, maps and 
traditions, from modern-day re-creations of historic seafaring craft 
and voyages and – dare it be said – from sense, suggests that the 
Americas have been quite well connected to the Old World for 
millennia. In fact, as we shall see later, it might have been going 
on for more millennia than historians would care to consider.

Why should Americans and historic traditions so aggressively hold to 
the idea that, after the initial academically-accepted immigrations 
over the glacial land-bridge from Siberia to Alaska tens of 
millennia ago, there was no contact until 1492? Surely it would be 
ennobling to the American heritage to acknowledge and investigate 
this? Surely it would offer more of a sense of historical continuity 
to the history of the Americas?

The answer is found in the early days of American history, when the 
Conquistadors in Central and South America and the European settlers 
in the North were establishing themselves on the continent. The 
philosophies of each were somewhat different – the Conquistadors 
were undoubtedly plunderers and imperialists while the early 
Europeans in North America were predominantly settlers seeking a new 
life. From the beginning, the Conquistadors sought to overcome the 
native civilisations of the Aztecs, Incas and others, and to gain as 
much power and booty as possible, fabricating many myths to justify 
this outrage. Cortes created a story to portray the Aztecs as 
passive in action and fatalistic in attitude, which has been 
disputed only in recent times.

In North America, relations with the local Indians were initially 
tolerant-to-friendly, with tales of Indians saving settlers from 
famine or disaster, and a few intermarriages. However, an initiative 
to push out and later overcome the Indians was eventually taken as 
settlement and colonial government grew. This led to the Indian Wars 
of the 1630s and 1670s, which led to increasing containment, forced 
migration and elimination of Indian tribes across the continent up 
to the 20th century.

These were historically very important choices. The story of the 
Americas would have been very different if the white settlers and 
conquistadors had instead elected to fraternise, trade and cooperate 
with the indigenous Americans. In most cases the native Americans 
were initially friendly with the settlers, and it was their initial 
trust and gentility which made them vulnerable. However, a fatal 
mixture of governmental and mercantile greed, plus the settler urge 
to start a new life whatever the cost – often following from great 
hardship, oppression and disruption in Europe – caused an enormous 
ethnic decision to be made. A discontinuity was imposed on the 
history of the Americas which not only disempowered and devastated 
the native Americans, but also founded a bundle of new nations – the 
nations of the Americas – which were rootless and disconnected from 
their environment. In USA today, arguments over whether to permit 
Spanish – the language of recent immigrants from Latin America – as 
an official language now challenge the dominant Anglo-Saxon 
Protestant culture, raising fears and a sense of outrage which smack 
of a rebound from the days of the violent immigration of Europeans 
in preceding centuries.

The European imposition has set the tone of life in the Americas 
ever since: the expansion of the white-skins led to the contraction 
of the indigenous Americans, and the new-found freedom of colonists 
meant oppression and genocide for the natives. Settlers from the Old 
World have seen the Americas as a land for taking and exploiting, to 
the maximum. It has been a land for the fulfilment of dreams, 
epitomised in late-20th century Californian culture.

Had the settlers chosen to act as guests, developments in America 
would have been very different. The civilisation would now, 
theoretically, be much more attuned to the land and to the native 
peoples – and the native peoples would not have been exterminated to 
the degree they were. In addition, mass immigration of settlers in 
the 1800s would have been smaller in volume, since the land would 
not have presented itself so strongly as a `land of opportunity' – 
settlers would have had to accommodate to cultural changes more than 
they did.

The white-supremacist notion arose from an amoral psychological 
basis on which USA, in particular, was founded – despite the strong 
religious element amongst its founding fathers. America was seen as 
a land of refuge and freedom for Europeans, where there were no 
limits to their expansion-possibilities – these limits have been 
found only when the space filled up, when the paradise of California 
began taking the form of a smoggy and endless housing development. 
In USA, rights were given to white Americans and denied to natives, 
who were seen simply as obstructions to progress. The respecting of 
native rights and ways would have implied a massive change in the 
nature of white civilisation in the Americas.

Even in the 1800s, the discovery of advanced civilisations in Mexico 
could not be accepted for decades, until the evidence became so 
overwhelming that it could not be ignored. Recognising the greatness 
and sophistication of native urban civilisations would implicitly 
call the nascent white culture into question. New England was so 
named because of the pastoral landscape and economy of the north-
eastern native peoples, which produced a landscape reminiscent of 
England (even though the area is ecologically more Scandinavian than 
English). After initial cooperation, the growing numbers of white 
settlers cleared native Americans from their lands by sheer 
firepower and use of the forceful psychology of private property, 
which the Indians did not possess – this was a repetition of the 
manner by which the Saxons, Vikings and Normans overcame the 
indigenous British and Irish some 800-1500 years earlier. Many white 
settlers were incapable of behaving otherwise: God was on their 
side, the government sectioned out the land and all available wealth 
and resources were there for the taking. There were those who argued 
for respecting the Indians, but they were overwhelmed.

Even today, in New England, native peoples are presumed extinct. Yet 
they discreetly live and work in modern society, leaving remains of 
recent and present-day ceremonial activities within but a short 
distance of Boston and New York. However, if native peoples were to 
be fully recognised for their rights and prerogatives, and if an 
adjustment were made on a fair and accommodating basis, a massive 
redistribution of land and resources would have to take place, 
undermining the very basis on which modern American life stands. 
Indian `reservations' would rightly expand to cover vast 
territories – not only the poorest ones. Indian holy places standing 
atop ore deposits would remain so, and not just a few military bases 
would have to close. Such a settlement would be a legal and 
constitutional nightmare – which is why no one wishes to broach the 
subject at all! White-people's priorities for interstate highways 
and shopping malls would need to be subordinated to many of the 
priorities of the Indian nations. The position of black Afro-
Americans would be awkward, since they weren't even voluntary 
settlers who claimed land rights as the white people had – even 
though most of their foreparents were there before most whites. The 
story in Latin America is the same: Latinos form an overclass with 
control of the best land, resources and the political and economic 
order, while Indians, be they Amazonian tribes or the remnants of 
Mayans, Aztecs or Incas, form a seriously-dispossessed peasantry, 
fit in Latinos' eyes only for manual work and marginalisation.

Thus, the `isolationist' theory of the history of the Americas is 
ideologically important for the dominant classes of the modern 
Americas. The Columbus myth justifies the approach Anglo-Saxons and 
Latinos have taken to colonising the `New World' – which is in truth 
culturally as old as anywhere. Not only this, but the Americas would 
be psychologically more connected to the rest of the world – 
isolationism and the principle of the Monroe Doctrine rest heavily 
on Columban mythology. Not only this, but Afro-Americans, mostly 
brought over as slaves, would find a deeper emotional connection 
with the land and cultures of the Americas, through their highly 
probable ancient transatlantic links, predating the Europeans. Not 
only this, but the Sino-Japanese, even Vietnamese, ancient 
connections with West Coast America, now developing in a new way 
through the Pacific Rim boom, would give modern Pacific coast 
integration a greater historical scope.

Even though much of the evidence for ancient linkages with the 
Americas is patchy, inconclusive to the sceptic, and subject to the 
unscientific enthusiasms of alternative researchers, it is 
sufficient, prodigious and varied enough to deserve massive 
attention. Yet, the equally unscientific reluctance to do so betrays 
ideological discomfort. America of today would prefer not to have 
deep cultural roots: with such roots, the culture would have to 
mature and reintegrate drastically. It is far better to maintain the 
myth – to spend millions on it if necessary – than to acknowledge 
the primacy of native peoples, and to be willing to ask them whether 
the immigrants of the last 500 years actually are welcome.

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