Wow. I'm completely floored. That's soooooo cool. Perfect. 
Maybe a schnauser puppy will wander into the neighborhood
come springtime. <wink> Thank you for taking the time to
share such a great tale. Your joy is palpable and contagious. 

It's none of my biz, but this isn't the first time you have mentioned
husband's wrath. Here's to hoping that is merely a rhetorical device. 

--- In, m 13 <meowthirt...@...> wrote:
> Scene one
> husband having past mentioned dispising all things 'kitty'
> kitty paw prints,etc..all the things kitties do as @$#%%^&!!!
> whilst speaking softly, cuddly ish about a schnauser he had and dogs in 
> general...
> Scene two
> wife of husband dare not do anything with feline due to fear of husbands 
> wrath on her or kitten,
> fearing God s wrath on her/karmic reprocussions however, she get a box and 
> puts her rabbit fur sleves cut off her coat and some bear fur so found at a 
> garage sale in it...makes a 'nest'.Tucks box and kitten in it under deck 
> within the arms of the riding lawn mower.
> Wife feeds and waters and brushes kitten.
> scene three
> Husband does not tell wife, but cleans out garage like a doting father baby 
> proofing the home.He takes the kitten into his lair(the garage,his cave of 
> zen 'space') throws down a paper bag,a belt from the snowblower that broke,a 
> zip tie, and teaches the kitty to "shake".
> scene four
> wife goes out to give kitty warm eggs she watered down for easy eating, mixed 
> with kitten food ,rehydrated and mushy...heart goes 
> box..she remembers she made husband promise he would not kill 'Pee Wee' as 
> she got to call 'it'...goes into garage,wide eyed...
> scene five
> Food in hand, she turns the door handle to the garage.....
> (duh dun dunnnnnnnnNNNnnnNNnn)
> There is the kitten in husbands lap!
> Wife surveys floor of garage...very neat tidy perfectionist husband who's 
> garage is sacred has a bag, and a circular belt and a zip tie on the floor ?!
> Wife asks, are those toys?
> Husband sheepishly says, yes, i thought the kitty needed something to play 
> with.
> Husband remarks proudly how he cleaned up the garage really good, so nothing 
> would accidently choke the kitten,or accidently strangle it...
> Wife is relieved, because it is raining and snowing and so cold outside.
> Wife hopes no one calls for kitten even though she listed on four boards on 
> internet and called the no kill shelter and got on the waiting list.
> Wife goes and buys a handful of funny toys at the store for it.
> Daughter buys it gift for the holiday...wife hopes daughter won't be 
> heartbroken if kitten gets adopted before the Holiday.
> scene six
> Someone posts on the internet a possible home.
> Wife's heart goes cold.
> The time has come.
> She envisions life without the perky kitten who runs out to greet her every 
> time she comes.
> Poor thing was so hungry it choked down the mushy food.
> It went right in the litter box!Like magic!
> No more cute little eyes looking up at her.
> It even let her "beep" it's nose-and licked her on the face.
> Oh well, she thinks, it will go with a lot of toys and that will be nice 
> ...and that big bag of kitten food.
> Wife makes phone call.
> Husband answers .
> Babe, she says, there is a possible home for that kitten.
> Oh yeah?
> Wife hoped he would say, oh no!
> Wife says, yes.But i kinda like that PeeWee!
> Husband says, I kinda do too.
> Husband says, well, you have to decide if you want it to be an inside cat, or 
> outside cat.
> It must have shots, etc, first, if you want it to be inside cat.
> Oh, thank you husband!exclaims wife!
> Heart of wife thanks God for her birthday present, the best most useful 
> compassionate present of all, a friend .
> Scene seven
> Wife makes necessary phone call to gracious person considering adoption of 
> kitten, to other people,and to vet. 
> Wife thanks God for miracle of angel kitty melting heart of husband.
> Every day she goes out to visit husband in garage having quiet time with 
> kitty till vet's app't date arrives for final shots.
> She finds newly fashioned"toys" for the kitten most days.A box he cut out...a 
> plastic circle off something or other...he shows wife ,'look, she can 
> shake'...wife looks on incredulously-at the fact of a cat hater with a kitten 
> curled up in his lap, and his remark that indicated he's been playing with 
> her, teaching her...husband puts out hand , and says, shake!
> He says it again, and puts out his hand,'shake!'
> The kitten puts out her paw on his.
> Wife can't believe this, she has grown up with multiple cats all her life, 
> and never seen a cat "shake"....
> Wife gets rid of ficus tree in the house that husband disliked to make room 
> for kitten's food area.
> The End
> roll credits
> show snap shots of future snugglings with kitten
> true story
> -M

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