--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:

> > While I do appreciate some of what you say your use of "common standards" 
> > makes me want to puke. May the TMO never ever follow the corrupt standards 
> > of the common, creedy man.
> >
> Yeah, of course not the `corrupt' standards of expedience.  But most all 
> social ethic usually start with a thoughtful standard of the Golden Rule & 
> then encompass standards for trust like honesty.  

Golden Rule ?
> Is noteworthy that the TMo and MIU/MUM within the Transcendental movement 
> have never had much ethical code to point to.  The consequent has put them at 
> odds with society otherwise when their research gets looked at and the nature 
> of their financial dealings too.

By whom, half of the 20 posters on FFL ?

  They got a bad PR name 

Is that why Universities, schools and Monestaries around the world is 
introducing TM in a rate not seen since the 70's ? 

underneath the robes and crowns 

You seem to extraordinary predjudized, robes are worn by billions on this 

to live down if they expect to get too far along with their seeming good.  Like 
elephants for horses, the internet seems also to have a long memory.
> At best it used to be said as cultural standard, "never do that which you 
> know to be wrong" or may be "eat what your mother serves you".  But even 
> those dropped away by the end of the 1970's.  Behavior ruddered other than in 
> an expedience seems went by the way-side as there came more elaborate 
> soliciting of gifting, fundraising and real estate projects for peace by 
> Maharishi even through to the end.
> Within some bad ethic, they got a legacy problem.

Says who. 10 bitter souls on FFL ?

  They could take some time to deal with it too.  It might just go better for 

I hope they will never waste time on such utter nonsense.

> God help 'em,
> -D in FF
> > If you still wonder "what happened to all the money", why don't you follow 
> > Global Family Chat's reports on the TMO's expansion all over the world ?
> > 


> > 

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