In common with some other posters here on FFL I may 
have given the impression that Mr Barry White Esq of 
El Pedro Towers, Sitges is some kind of old pervert, 
fixated by babes in bikinis, incapable of toiling 
honestly for a decent day's pay, and spending far too 
much time with the wine, olives and donkeys between 
lengthy siestas. Specifically I may have given the 
impression that the series of shrill harangues 
directed his way by a certain New York pugilist may 
have been in many cases quite justified.

Phrases such as "She may have a point there" or "You 
know she seems to reason in a quite dispassionate way" 
and "Her attention to minutiae sure forced him to give 
up there" may have led readers to believe that I was 
unduly enamoured with the fairness and reasonableness 
of Ms Stein's approach to FFL and its little 

I now realise, having gained some personal experience 
of the bricbats and character assasination endemic to 
the *reasoning* style of the diktat-issuer in 
question, that there was not a jot nor scintilla of 
truth in any of the above. I am happy to accept now Mr 
White's protestations viz. that her attacks on him had 
a lot more in common with the petulance and tantrums 
of Mr John McEnroe circa 1980 (also of New York 
funnily enough) than the subtle and finely drawn 
distinctions of Mr Ludwig Witggenstein, late of 30 
Accacia Gardens, Notty Ash, Cambridge.

I would like to apologise for any distress or 
confusion caused by my credulity and laziness and my 
tendency to write post after boring post rather than 
find out what's really going on.

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