I saw the movie.  Awesome graphics, yet a very boring plot IMO.  Regarding left 
wing/right wing oppositions to aspects of the movie, I do find it odd that 
liberals identify with cultures that possess many of the same qualities that 
'most' of them completely lack, or greatly despise.  The indegenous people in 
Avatar were very warlike, they were hunters, and lived a very harsh life in a 
very dangerous environment.  Even the women were rather aggressive and able to 
hunt and fight.  The only reason it seemed possible to gain their respect is 
because a Marine joined their tribe and could actually hang with their toughest 
members and pass tests of fearlessness.  Otherwise they would've looked at 
anyone else as being too weak or feeble to be among their culture.  Dances with 
Wolves followed a similar pattern.  If there is anything I get from either of 
those movies, it is that you must have respect for both sides of life, 
basically a yin/yang concept.  An absence of one or the other is incomplete.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> > 
> > 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire
> > 
> > Conservatives are blind to the 3-D blockbuster's charms
> > 
> > By Patrick Goldstein
> It's interesting that Mr. Goldstein doesn't seem to have
> picked up on the outrage of many *liberals* at what they
> perceive as the film's distinctly racist undertones. (Some
> have also suggested that it's sexist and has a bad 
> attitude toward the disabled. One blogger insisted the
> film wasn't anti-military, it was anti-*mercenary*,
> pointing out that other films of Cameron's--"Aliens" and
> "The Abyss"-- have actually exalted the regular military.)
> I thought I remembered someone here mentioning the racist
> aspect--Shemp, perhaps--but I can't locate the post.
> Anyway, here's a few examples (among many) of criticism
> from the left:
> http://lefarkins.blogspot.com/2009/12/intentions-be-damned-avatar-is-racist.html
> http://tinyurl.com/yer2mb5
> http://lefarkins.blogspot.com/2009/12/more-on-race-and-racialism-in-avatar.html
> http://tinyurl.com/yhswhed
> http://globalshift.org/2009/12/dances-with-discrimination-on-avatar-racism-misogyny-and-disabled-prejudice/#more-3534
> http://tinyurl.com/yf3mefk
> http://gawker.com/5422666/when-will-white-people-stop-making-movies-like-avatar
> http://tinyurl.com/ybshwoy
> CAVEAT FOR THE FEEBLE-MINDED: Barry will, of course, rush
> to claim I'm reviewing a movie I haven't seen. Those with
> a few brain cells to rub together, however, will note that
> I have not expressed an opinion. I just find it curious
> that Mr. Goldstein seems to be aware only of criticism of
> the film from the right.

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