WillyTex wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> Actually you aren't far from wrong. They keep 
>> criminalizing things that shouldn't be so they 
>> can fill prisons and build new ones...
> 'They' is you, and your Democratic Party. You could 
> 'throw the bums out' in the next election. Maybe it's 
> time for the Democrats in California to retire - 
> they've brought the state to a near bankruptcy. 
> Your elected leaders are trying to tax your business 
> out of existence. If you don't get out and vote, you 
> may find yourself living on the street or at your 
> relative's house. The liberal voters out there in 
> California must be totally insane!
> With your political view, I'd think you'd be one of 
> the first people to get out of there. From what I've 
> heard, California wants to house the Gitmo prisoners 
> from Yemen at Chino - they need the federal money.

As I've said many a time here I'm not a Democrat.  I'm registered as 
"decline to state" in California. That means NO affiliation with ANY 
political party.  However you don't live in California and hence don't 
know that blame for the state's problems fall on both sides of the 
aisle.  Apparently there were no "grown ups" there.   They didn't seem 
to realize that "what goes up must come down" and hence that boom times 
don't last.  They were like a bunch of drunken sailors.    It's not 
liberals who are crazy in California, it is those who feel "entitled" 
who are crazy.  They want everything and don't want to pay for it.  They 
vote for all kinds of "referendums" (maybe we should call them 
referendumbs) that won't work and can't be financed.  Direct democracy 
is not often a good idea.

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