Me "pertrified"?   :-D  

Hardly, I was raised being told "don't believe everything you read in 
the newspaper."  Ever heard of the term MSM (Main Stream Media)?   I'm 
just suggesting that people should  not swallow everything hook line and 
sinker.  It amazes me how educated and supposedly enlightened people can 
fall right in line with agendas without ever questioning them.

I don't know about you but I don't want to do a full body scan at the 
airport and I especially don't want a cavity search.  People should be 
up in arms over such things as the result of one little incident.   But 
we have a nation of sheeple (or zombies as I often call them.  Hell, we 
used to call them "the ignorant" in TM).  A friend who does a lot of 
business travel out of the country is dreading these draconian 
measures.  It's like they don't want us to travel at all as we'll see 
how the other half lives and in some cases better than the "greatest 
country on earth."

There are two kinds of opinions one finds online and especially here on 
FFL.  One is what people really think and the other is a proforma ( how 
they want to appear to people even if it is not their real thoughts).  I 
speak my mind and it does not often go over well. But I don't care.  
I've been doing that all my life.  Line on water. 

I would say the interests of Wall Street and probably the MIC trump 
anything Obama wanted to do for the people.  Should 1% of the population 
really run things because they are the wealthiest?  I say not!  They got 
there by hook or by crook and probably much of the time the latter (they 
pay attorneys to cover their tracks).   It is up to the people to allow 
this to continue or say "enough already!"

seekliberation wrote:
> I saw it on numerous news broadcasts that PETN is what the guy had on him.
> You sound rather petrified here.  What exactly is your theory of whats going 
> on here?  Correct me if i'm wrong, but it seems you think that this kid from 
> Nigeria was really trained or sent by U.S. Government to create fear and 
> paranoia, rather than actually trained by Yemen based Al Quada forces.  
> Although I don't care much for Obama, your theory definitely shows a lack of 
> faith in his deep desire to expose the CIA and military to the flamethrower 
> when it comes to wrong doing.  If there is something wrong or shady going on, 
> Obama has been relentless at pursuing it and eliminating it (Guantanamo Bay, 
> waterboarding, etc...).  So if there's a government conspiracy here, then 
> that means Obama is in on it, and we're all doomed no matter what.  It's not 
> just George Bush and the evil right wing, even our beloved hero wants 
> Americans to be afraid.
> seekliberation 
>> And just who told us the guy had PETN?  Do we trust their information?  
>> They're sort of modern day chicken littles with their own agenda.  And 
>> that agenda is to take away more of our rights.

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